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1 qev010401_MSG0001 What am I going to do? This can't be all the parts...[ST:wait ]
2 qev010401_MSG0002 Er, y-yes! Hello! Welcome! Have a seat right here![ST:n ]I mean, um, if you want to...sit down.[ST:wait ]
3 qev010401_MSG0003 No espresso or lattes today, I'm afraid.[ST:n ]We're, uh...sold out. Yes! That's it! So sad...[ST:wait ]
4 qev010401_JNK0010 Compromise
5 qev010401_SEL0011 Agree to drink whatever she can offer.
6 qev010401_JNK0020 Complain
7 qev010401_SEL0021 Demand to know why there's no espresso.
8 qev010401_MSG0004 Oh, w-wow! You're being really nice about this...[ST:wait ]
9 qev010401_MSG0005 But no. I mean, you took the time to come here and[ST:n ]whatnot, so you deserve to drink what you really want.[ST:wait ]
10 qev010401_MSG0006 Well, aren't you one nosy customer?[ST:n ]Must reeeally need your caffeine fix, huh?[ST:wait ]
11 qev010401_MSG0007 But yeah, I kinda can't make them today.[ST:wait ]
12 qev010401_MSG0008 Hey, um, are you good with machines by any chance?[ST:wait ]
13 qev010401_MSG0009 You certainly SEEM good with machines![ST:n ]Just, you know...aura-wise? So...maybe?[ST:wait ]
14 qev010401_JNK0030 Confirm
15 qev010401_SEL0031 Tell Jo that you can sling a mean wrench if need be.
16 qev010401_JNK0040 Deny
17 qev010401_SEL0041 Admit you're probably better at breaking stuff.
18 qev010401_MSG0010 I knew it! Sometimes you can just tell.[ST:wait ]
19 qev010401_MSG0011 Really? Well, um, I'm sure you're still better at repairing[ST:n ]stuff than me, right? I mean, you kind of have to be.[ST:wait ]
20 qev010401_MSG0012 I'm a complete basket case when it comes to[ST:n ]mechanical stuff. Well, and most other stuff, actually.[ST:wait ]
21 qev010401_MSG0013 Anyway, the owner just got this new espresso machine,[ST:n ]and it seems that I've somehow managed to...break it.[ST:wait ]
22 qev010401_MSG0014 It should be okay once I get the right parts,[ST:n ]but finding them has been a nightmare.[ST:wait ]
23 qev010401_MSG0015 Er, I don't suppose you might know where I could find[ST:n ]three heatproof inox pipes, do you?[ST:wait ]
24 qev010401_MSG0016 Oh, gosh! I'm so glad I asked![ST:wait ]
25 qev010401_MSG0017 As soon as that machine is up and running, I'll fix[ST:n ]you the tastiest latte you've ever had! I mean it![ST:wait ]
26 qev010401_MSG0018 My boss begged for WEEKS to get this espresso[ST:n ]machine made for the shop.[ST:wait ]
27 qev010401_MSG0019 As soon as it's fixed, I'll make you the best latte ever,[ST:n ]I swear. So, um, PLEASE can you go find me those[ST:n ]heatproof inox pipes?[ST:wait ]
28 qev010401_MSG0020 My boss was asking why the espresso machine isn't[ST:n ]around. I told her it called in sick, and then she just[ST:n ]kind of looked at me funny and walked away.[ST:wait ]
29 qev010401_MSG0021 If this thing doesn't get fixed soon, I'm so dead![ST:wait ]
30 qev010401_JNK0050 Assure
31 qev010401_SEL0051 Tell Jo not to worry as you have the pipes she needs.
32 qev010401_JNK0060 Chide
33 qev010401_SEL0061 Reprimand Jo for lying to her boss.
34 qev010401_MSG0022 Really?! Wow, you're so dependable![ST:n ]Unlike that machine. ...Or me.[ST:wait ]
35 qev010401_MSG0023 Can I see? Er, please?[ST:n ]I'm kinda sorta freaking out about this here.[ST:wait ]
36 qev010401_MSG0024 It took forever to get this thing in, and I broke it[ST:n ]before it made a single cup! YOU try telling your[ST:n ]boss something like that![ST:wait ]
37 qev010401_MSG0025 So, um...any luck? I don't suppose you've found those[ST:n ]heatproof inox pipes yet, have you?[ST:wait ]
38 qev010401_MSG0026 That's perfect, thank you! Really![ST:wait ]
39 qev010401_MSG0027 Now we can start offering espresso again![ST:n ]...Or for the first time, depending on how you[ST:n ]look at it.[ST:wait ]
40 qev010401_MSG0028 Oh, right! Hold on just ONE second! I'll be right back![ST:wait ]
41 qev010401_MSG0029 I'm going to fix you the best thank-you latte EVER![ST:wait ]
42 qev010401_JNK0070 Accept
43 qev010401_SEL0071 Enthusiastically accept Jo's offer.
44 qev010401_JNK0080 Decline
45 qev010401_SEL0081 Politely decline Jo's offer.
46 qev010401_MSG0030 Aw, you're so sweet. Believe me, it's my pleasure![ST:wait ]
47 qev010401_MSG0031 Honestly, it just feels nice to be able to give someone[ST:n ]what they want. Seems like most BLADEs prefer a stiff[ST:n ]drink over a good cup of joe.[ST:wait ]
48 qev010401_MSG0032 But I'm going to pull out all the stops and make this the[ST:n ]finest coffee creation of my career![ST:wait ]
49 qev010401_MSG0033 What? No, you have to let me do this for you! I need[ST:n ]practice before making one for real custom— Er...[ST:wait ]
50 qev010401_MSG0034 I mean, ha! Ha ha! Don't mind me! Just be a minute.[ST:n ]...Please have a drink before you go?[ST:wait ]
51 qev010401_MSG0035 Oh, I know! It's been hot lately, so why don't we make[ST:n ]it an iced latte?[ST:wait ]
52 qev010401_MSG0036 You hold on to your seat, now! I may be useless with[ST:n ]machines, but I'm one mean bean slinger![ST:wait ]
53 qev010401_MSG0037 Eeep! Aaaaaack! NOOOOOOOOOOOO![ST:wait ]
54 qev010401_MSG0038 Huh? Jo, wait! Where are you going?[ST:wait ]
55 qev010401_JNK0090 Ignore
56 qev010401_SEL0091 Ask Coco what happened to Jo.
57 qev010401_JNK0100 Worry
58 qev010401_SEL0101 Ask Coco to tell you about herself.
59 qev010401_MSG0039 Beats me. She went into the back, screamed,[ST:n ]then ran off.[ST:wait ]
60 qev010401_MSG0040 If I had to bet, I'd say she broke some kitchen[ST:n ]equipment. ...Again.[ST:wait ]
61 qev010401_MSG0041 That girl is death to electronics. The register, customers'[ST:n ]comm devices, you name it. She even managed to[ST:n ]short-circuit a light bulb once.[ST:wait ]
62 qev010401_MSG0042 Frankly, nothing that breaks around her surprises me[ST:n ]anymore.[ST:wait ]
63 qev010401_MSG0043 Me? Oh, I own the place. Nice to meet you.[ST:wait ]
64 qev010401_MSG0044 Unlike the muddy slop other places give you,[ST:n ]we use only the purest springwater for our coffee.[ST:wait ]
65 qev010401_MSG0045 We even grow our own beans on actual plants.[ST:n ]No synthetics here![ST:wait ]
66 qev010401_MSG0046 This café is the one place in my life where I make no[ST:n ]compromises. Well, when Jo's not tearing it down,[ST:n ]anyway.[ST:wait ]
67 qev010401_MSG0047 Are you a friend of hers? Would you mind checking on[ST:n ]her and seeing if she's okay?[ST:wait ]
68 qev010401_MSG0048 I can't leave the shop, and I really need her back here[ST:n ]as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.[ST:wait ]
69 qev010401_MSG0049 Holy frother, I have sinned. It's been three days since[ST:n ]my last contraption... Augh, why do I have to wreck[ST:n ]EVERYTHING I touch?![ST:wait ]
70 qev010401_MSG0050 Ack, sorry, I... Oh. It's you.[ST:wait ]
71 qev010401_MSG0051 I'm so sorry! Your iced latte...[ST:wait ]
72 qev010401_MSG0052 I was trying to get the ice when the stupid freezer...[ST:n ]I mean, when stupid ME broke it![ST:wait ]
73 qev010401_JNK0110 Boggle
74 qev010401_SEL0111 Ask Jo how someone can even break a freezer.
75 qev010401_JNK0120 Console
76 qev010401_SEL0121 Console Jo by telling her we've all broken freezers.
77 qev010401_MSG0053 I don't know what I did...[ST:wait ]
78 qev010401_MSG0054 Maybe I have mutant powers and give off[ST:n ]electromagnetic waves or something.[ST:wait ]
79 qev010401_MSG0055 That would explain why the espresso machine and the[ST:n ]freezer both died the moment I got near them...[ST:wait ]
80 qev010401_MSG0056 Curse you, machine gods! Why have you forsaken me?![ST:wait ]
81 qev010401_MSG0057 ...R-really? You too? Gosh, you must be a real menace[ST:n ]around Skells.[ST:wait ]
82 qev010401_MSG0058 B-but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. Maybe the two of[ST:n ]us destroyers need to go make some sort of offering to[ST:n ]the machine gods.[ST:wait ]
83 qev010401_MSG0059 Huh? My boss needs me back at the shop?[ST:wait ]
84 qev010401_MSG0060 But I CAN'T go back! Not after all this![ST:wait ]
85 qev010401_MSG0061 Maybe if I had a couple of L-002 fuel tanks to repair[ST:n ]the freezer... But now? I just can't...[ST:wait ]
86 qev010401_MSG0062 I feel TERRIBLE asking, but can you help me out again?[ST:n ]You're the only one I can turn to.[ST:wait ]
87 qev010401_MSG0063 I'll be here making supplications to the machine gods[ST:n ]till you get back with those L-002 fuel tanks.[ST:wait ]
88 qev010401_MSG0064 Maybe if I beg enough, they'll lift this curse...[ST:wait ]
89 qev010401_MSG0065 All I ever wanted was to make people a nice hot drink[ST:n ]and bring five minutes of peace to their day.[ST:wait ]
90 qev010401_MSG0066 I, um, just got a call from my boss.[ST:wait ]
91 qev010401_MSG0067 Coco's got to be pretty mad, right? Am I fired?[ST:n ]Super fired? I'm probably super fired, huh?[ST:wait ]
92 qev010401_JNK0130 Confirm
93 qev010401_SEL0131 Nod and tell Jo she's probably super fired.
94 qev010401_JNK0140 Deny
95 qev010401_SEL0141 Reassure Jo that everything will be just fine.
96 qev010401_MSG0068 Oh, I know you're right. But I still want to work there![ST:n ]Nowhere else on Mira takes that kind of care with their[ST:n ]coffee![ST:wait ]
97 qev010401_MSG0069 Plus, I just love the café! Well, the parts of it I don't[ST:n ]manage to break, anyway.[ST:wait ]
98 qev010401_MSG0070 You really think so? I mean, I guess I've burned through[ST:n ]a dozen coffee makers and still kept my job, so...[ST:wait ]
99 qev010401_MSG0071 In any case, I need to go apologize.[ST:n ]Oh! Did you happen to find those L-002 fuel tanks[ST:n ]for me, by any chance?[ST:wait ]
100 qev010401_MSG0072 Okay! Then it's time to woman up and give the boss[ST:n ]a call![ST:wait ]
101 qev010401_MSG0073 Phew... You can do this, Jo![ST:wait ]
102 qev010401_MSG0074 ......[ST:wait ]
103 qev010401_MSG0075 ...Wait, what? Why won't this thing turn on?[ST:wait ]
104 qev010401_MSG0076 Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me![ST:n ]I broke my COMM DEVICE?![ST:wait ]
105 qev010401_MSG0077 It's like a bad dream...[ST:wait ]
106 qev010401_JNK0150 Assist
107 qev010401_SEL0151 Offer Jo use of your own device instead.
108 qev010401_JNK0160 Watch
109 qev010401_SEL0161 Keep your own device far, far away from this girl.
110 qev010401_MSG0078 What? No, I couldn't. I'd just break yours, too.[ST:wait ]
111 qev010401_MSG0079 That's it! I'm never touching another machine again![ST:wait ]
112 qev010401_MSG0080 I can tell what you're thinking, and believe me, I agree.[ST:wait ]
113 qev010401_MSG0081 It's true. I ruin everything.[ST:wait ]
114 qev010401_MSG0082 Ha! Classic Jo... Your mechanical troubles are proof[ST:n ]of the divine at this point.[ST:wait ]
115 qev010401_MSG0083 M-ma'am?![ST:wait ]
116 qev010401_MSG0084 I don't remember giving you a lunch break this long.[ST:wait ]
117 qev010401_MSG0085 Look, you really think blowing up a freezer or two is[ST:n ]going to faze me at this point?[ST:wait ]
118 qev010401_MSG0086 I want the best of everything for my coffee. Including[ST:n ]the best coffee maker: Jo, the ballista barista![ST:wait ]
119 qev010401_MSG0087 I don't know what to say... *sniff* How are you two[ST:n ]years younger than me and yet so much more mature?[ST:wait ]
120 qev010401_MSG0088 Heh. Looks like Jo put you through the wringer as well.[ST:n ]Here—this is from me. Please take it.[ST:wait ]
121 qev010401_MSG0089 Now c'mon, Jo! You and me have a freezer to fix.[ST:wait ]
122 qev010401_MSG0090 ...Yes, ma'am![ST:wait ]
123 qev010401_MSG0091 Er, and next time—that is, if you're not TOTALLY sick[ST:n ]of me—next time, I swear, I'll make you that latte![ST:wait ]
124 qev010401_MSG0092 So I hope to see you again soon at the Sunshine Café![ST:wait ]