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1 qev010102_MSG0001 Will you not procure the car parts for me, [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ]?[ST:n ]I'm eager to repair this mess, but even more eager[ST:n ]to learn about you.[ST:wait ]
2 qev010102_MSG0002 I knew you'd accept! You're the type to always say yes,[ST:n ]no matter how absurd the request may be.[ST:wait ]
3 qev010102_MSG0003 It's because you're an agent of justice![ST:n ]Such things are in your DNA.[ST:wait ]
4 qev010102_JNK0010 Agree
5 qev010102_SEL0011 Puff up your chest and agree vehemently.
6 qev010102_JNK0020 Disagree
7 qev010102_SEL0021 Shake your head and admit that you're no [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ].
8 qev010102_MSG0004 I like the cut of your jib! It takes that sort of[ST:n ]determination to tackle each new evil that arises.[ST:wait ]
9 qev010102_MSG0005 The classic [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ] response—bold of action,[ST:n ]yet humble of spirit. One such as yourself would[ST:n ]never brag about your derring-do![ST:wait ]
10 qev010102_MSG0006 In any case, what I need is a pair of anhydrous[ST:n ]radiators. Got it? Thanks a million, [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ]![ST:wait ]
11 qev010102_MSG0007 I love movies and comics about [ST:Gender p1=heroes p2=heroines ] such as[ST:n ]yourself. I've dreamed of meeting one ever since[ST:n ]I was a child.[ST:wait ]
12 qev010102_MSG0008 And here you are, in the flesh! You actually came to[ST:n ]my rescue! How unbelievable is that?[ST:wait ]
13 qev010102_MSG0009 Er, so, after you get those anhydrous radiators,[ST:n ]could we maybe talk for a while?[ST:wait ]
14 qev010102_MSG0034 I want to know more about you. Perhaps hear tales[ST:n ]of your mighty exploits and so forth.[ST:wait ]
15 qev010102_MSG0010 So, I was thinking... A [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ] needs a strong,[ST:n ]overriding will.[ST:wait ]
16 qev010102_MSG0011 You must have some deep, personal motive for hating[ST:n ]evil, yes?[ST:wait ]
17 qev010102_MSG0012 Wait! Let me guess! They killed your parents before[ST:n ]your very eyes! No, wait... You were bitten by a[ST:n ]radioactive scirpo![ST:wait ]
18 qev010102_JNK0030 Confirm
19 qev010102_SEL0031 Admit that you have an intense secret motive.
20 qev010102_JNK0040 Deny
21 qev010102_SEL0041 Laugh it off and downplay the notion.
22 qev010102_MSG0013 Aha! I knew it! You're so close to my vision of the[ST:n ]ideal [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ]![ST:wait ]
23 qev010102_MSG0014 I see... Then perhaps the fight for justice needs[ST:n ]no reason.[ST:wait ]
24 qev010102_MSG0015 Maybe I was overcomplicating things a bit.[ST:wait ]
25 qev010102_MSG0016 This is why I wanted to talk. It feels as if my ideal[ST:n ][ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ] is becoming more real before my very eyes![ST:wait ]
26 qev010102_MSG0017 You'll pass through all the trials laid forth before you![ST:n ]Overcome every craven trap! Weather each tragedy![ST:wait ]
27 qev010102_MSG0018 And then, in the grand finale, everyone—even your[ST:n ]erstwhile tormentors—will come together to sing[ST:n ]your mighty praises![ST:wait ]
28 qev010102_MSG0019 I've stripped all the unnecessary details away to create[ST:n ]the perfect morality tale, and I love it![ST:wait ]
29 qev010102_MSG0020 The whole reason I enlisted with the BLADEs was to find[ST:n ]this story.[ST:wait ]
30 qev010102_MSG0021 I'd given up hope of becoming a hero myself, but I[ST:n ]knew one would come along eventually. I just KNEW it![ST:wait ]
31 qev010102_JNK0050 Show Gratitude
32 qev010102_SEL0051 Thank Justin for his praise.
33 qev010102_JNK0060 Show Parts
34 qev010102_SEL0061 Remind Justin that you brought the car parts he wanted.
35 qev010102_MSG0022 Oh, pishposh! I'm just stating the truth. Now then,[ST:n ]did you get those anhydrous radiators I asked about?[ST:wait ]
36 qev010102_MSG0023 Oh, right! I got a bit lost in myself there.[ST:n ]Almost forgot I'd asked for those anhydrous radiators![ST:wait ]
37 qev010102_MSG0035 So how did it go? Did you find everything?[ST:wait ]
38 qev010102_MSG0024 Perfect. I'll have my auto fixed up in no time.[ST:wait ]
39 qev010102_MSG0025 You've given me so much more than car parts today,[ST:n ][ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ]. Please accept this as my way of saying thanks.[ST:wait ]
40 qev010102_MSG0026 And if you should come across anyone else in need,[ST:n ]be sure to lend them a hand. You're a paragon of[ST:n ]justice for us all now![ST:wait ]
41 qev010102_JNK0070 Agree
42 qev010102_SEL0071 Salute and agree wholeheartedly.
43 qev010102_JNK0080 Evade
44 qev010102_SEL0081 Skirt the issue with a noncommittal response.
45 qev010102_MSG0027 With BLADEs such as you on patrol, the people of[ST:n ]New LA have nothing to fear.[ST:wait ]
46 qev010102_MSG0028 How bold of you! For a true [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ] is unwilling to[ST:n ]make a promise [ST:Gender p1=he p2=she ] might not be able to keep![ST:wait ]
47 qev010102_MSG0029 But alas, you are a BLADE. And a time will come[ST:n ]when you have to fight for this fair city.[ST:wait ]
48 qev010102_MSG0030 Anyway, I should probably get going.[ST:wait ]
49 qev010102_MSG0031 I am a BLADE, after all. Nothing impressive like you,[ST:n ]of course, but a fellow seeker of justice nonetheless.[ST:wait ]
50 qev010102_MSG0032 I don't know when I'll see you again, but I feel the[ST:n ]hand of fate at work in our meeting.[ST:wait ]
51 qev010102_MSG0033 As long as you continue to walk the path of justice,[ST:n ]our destinies are intertwined. When we meet again,[ST:n ]let it be as comrades in battle![ST:wait ]