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1 qev010101_MSG0001 Heh. This car yours, buddy? Then it's your own fault![ST:n ]BLADEs ain't allowed to park here, see?[ST:wait ]
2 qev010101_MSG0002 Well, well. I heard rumors there were ruffians going[ST:n ]about hounding BLADEs, and now here you are.[ST:n ]This is my lucky day.[ST:wait ]
3 qev010101_MSG0003 Let me guess—you rocket scientists used to be BLADEs[ST:n ]yourselves, right? But something set you off, so you left[ST:n ]to form this gang. How pathetic.[ST:wait ]
4 qev010101_MSG0004 And here I was thinking you'd be something special,[ST:n ]when you're just a common pack of thugs.[ST:n ]It's almost disappointing.[ST:wait ]
5 qev010101_MSG0005 You got a big mouth, pip-squeak.[ST:n ]I bet it would look better if I knocked out a few teeth![ST:wait ]
6 qev010101_MSG0006 Please. I've no interest in low-level chumps like you.[ST:wait ]
7 qev010101_MSG0007 I fear I'm something of a traditionalist, you see.[ST:n ]Either give me a great evil worthy of facing justice,[ST:n ]or don't waste my time.[ST:wait ]
8 qev010101_MSG0008 Enough with the fancy talk![ST:n ]Put up your dukes before I END YOU![ST:wait ]
9 qev010101_MSG0009 Oh, I wholly encourage you to try...[ST:wait ]
10 qev010101_MSG0010 But be warned: agents of swift justice always step forth[ST:n ]after a chump drops a cheesy line like that![ST:wait ]
11 qev010101_JNK0010 Step Forth
12 qev010101_SEL0011 Reveal yourself in front of the ruffians to save Justin.
13 qev010101_JNK0020 Stay Put
14 qev010101_SEL0021 Sit back and see where this is going.
15 qev010101_MSG0011 See?[ST:wait ]
16 qev010101_MSG0012 More BLADEs? Pfft. This was supposed to be an unfair[ST:n ]fight! Why you wussin' out on us like this?![ST:wait ]
17 qev010101_MSG0013 You got lucky today, BLADE. Might not be so lucky[ST:n ]tomorrow, if you get my drift. ...Come on, boys![ST:n ]Let's make like bananas and split![ST:wait ]
18 qev010101_MSG0014 ...Phew![ST:wait ]
19 qev010101_MSG0015 You soft in the head or somethin', kid?[ST:n ]Grow up already![ST:wait ]
20 qev010101_MSG0016 There ain't no heroes on this planet—especially the kind[ST:n ]who wear tights. So forget about anyone comin' to[ST:n ]save your bacon![ST:wait ]
21 qev010101_MSG0017 Pah! Don't you know that heroes always show up at[ST:n ]the last minute?[ST:wait ]
22 qev010101_MSG0018 ...See?[ST:wait ]
23 qev010101_MSG0019 More BLADEs? Pfft. This was supposed to be an unfair[ST:n ]fight! Why you wussin' out on us like this?![ST:wait ]
24 qev010101_MSG0020 You got lucky today, BLADE. But you might not be so[ST:n ]lucky tomorrow, if you get my drift. ...Come on, boys![ST:n ]Let's make like bananas and split![ST:wait ]
25 qev010101_MSG0022 Thank you. I think you just saved my teeth.[ST:wait ]
26 qev010101_MSG0023 I heard talk about a gang that was causing mischief[ST:n ]around here, so I decided to take a look. And believe[ST:n ]you me, I didn't need to look for very long![ST:wait ]
27 qev010101_MSG0024 But alas, those ruffians saw fit to wreck my ride. I'm at[ST:n ]a bit of a loss as to what to do about that.[ST:wait ]
28 qev010101_JNK0030 Sympathize
29 qev010101_SEL0031 Express sympathy for Justin's predicament.
30 qev010101_JNK0040 Inquire
31 qev010101_SEL0041 Ask Justin to tell you about his attackers.
32 qev010101_MSG0025 Hey, that's pretty thoughtful. Did anyone ever tell you[ST:n ]that you're perfect protagonist material?[ST:wait ]
33 qev010101_MSG0026 I've always been enamored with the classic morality[ST:n ]tale. You know? [ST:Gender p1=Hero p2=Heroine ] meets evildoer and beats the[ST:n ]stuffing out of him?[ST:wait ]
34 qev010101_MSG0027 What's to tell? I'd hoped they were villains of vision[ST:n ]and character, but they turned out to be common[ST:n ]street thugs.[ST:wait ]
35 qev010101_MSG0028 Not to say this whole incident has been a waste,[ST:n ]though. I met you, and you seem to be something[ST:n ]of a major player.[ST:wait ]
36 qev010101_MSG0029 Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Justin, and I'm[ST:n ]a BLADE. It's good to meet you.[ST:wait ]
37 qev010101_MSG0030 And you're...[ST:playername ], huh?[ST:n ]Well, you've got yourself a new fan,[ST:n ][ST:playername ]![ST:wait ]
38 qev010101_MSG0031 Since you seem to be cut from the cloth of a [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ],[ST:n ]do you think you could help me find some replacement[ST:n ]parts for my poor car?[ST:wait ]
39 qev010101_MSG0032 With the right parts, I'll have it repaired in no time![ST:n ]I'll just...stay here and think of some heroic questions[ST:n ]for you while you're gone. Look forward to it![ST:wait ]
40 qev010101_MSG0033 I knew you'd accept! You're the type to always say yes,[ST:n ]no matter how absurd the request may be.[ST:wait ]
41 qev010101_MSG0034 It's because you're an agent of justice![ST:n ]Such things are in your DNA.[ST:wait ]
42 qev010101_JNK0050 Agree
43 qev010101_SEL0051 Puff up your chest and agree vehemently.
44 qev010101_JNK0060 Disagree
45 qev010101_SEL0061 Shake your head and admit that you're no [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ].
46 qev010101_MSG0035 I like the cut of your jib! It takes that sort of[ST:n ]determination to tackle each new evil that arises.[ST:wait ]
47 qev010101_MSG0036 The classic [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ] response—bold of action,[ST:n ]yet humble of spirit. One such as yourself would[ST:n ]never brag about your derring-do![ST:wait ]
48 qev010101_MSG0037 In any case, what I need is a pair of anhydrous[ST:n ]radiators. Got it? Thanks a million, [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ]![ST:wait ]