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1 tlk43500142_06_msg0001 84 The whole town seems to know about the Garfont Mercenaries now.
2 tlk43500142_06_msg0002 84 That puts you a step above your predecessor, I reckon.
3 tlk43500142_06_msg0003 84 In fact, I'd go so far as to say you've rewritten history for the Merc Group!
4 tlk43500142_06_msg0004 84 Till now, bosses like me and Vandham who lead the mercs have never really been particular about details.
5 tlk43500142_06_msg0005 84 People always thought of us as a band of rough, tough hired hands who fight monsters and do the dirty work.
6 tlk43500142_06_msg0006 84 But you've been treating every case with so much care and attention, it's hard to think that way any more.
7 tlk43500142_06_msg0007 84 Men, women, and children all feel they can rely on you. I don't think there's anyone on Alrest quite like that.