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1 qst701709_msg0001 84 G'day mates. Any leads?
2 qst701709_msg0002 84 Well, yes... But I think there's been some kind of mistake.
3 qst701709_msg0003 84 A mistake? Wait. Don't tell me the culprit's someone you know!
4 qst701709_msg0004 84 Out with it! I wanna know who did it! Tell me right now, or so help me-
5 qst701709_msg0005 84 Look, just chill out. The name we got was Gio, the handyman. You must know him too?
6 qst701709_msg0006 84 Gio?!
7 qst701709_msg0007 84 Oh, but he didn't kill your sister! Actually, it was the oppo-
8 qst701709_msg0008 84 Bloody hell!
9 qst701709_msg0009 84 Hold on!
10 qst701709_msg0010 84 I'm sorry it fell to you to break the news...
11 qst701709_msg0011 84 I don't care and you shouldn't either. If I hadn't stepped up, I'm pretty sure Jin would've cut the guy's head off...
12 qst701709_msg0012 84 What idiotic flight of fancy is that?
13 qst701709_msg0013 84 Come now, that kind of attitude won't do, Jin.
14 qst701709_msg0014 84 ...You're right. Apologies.
15 qst701709_msg0015 84 Let's stop squabbling and get to Gio's place - quick!