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1 qst701107_msg0001 84 Would you look at that! Thanks to your help, we've got ourselves a ship!
2 qst701107_msg0002 84 Wow, no kidding! She's a beauty!
3 qst701107_msg0003 84 Ahahah... 'Course she is! Made her myself, I did!
4 qst701107_msg0004 84 Though there's still a few bits I'd like to polish up, seeing as how I made her in a bit of a hurry...
5 qst701107_msg0005 84 Well now! She's much grander than I'd expected!
6 qst701107_msg0006 84 Oh, there's Ms. Maquilla.
7 qst701107_msg0007 84 Allow me to introduce you! This is your new helmswoman, Ms. Ma...
8 qst701107_msg0008 84 Whaaaaaaaat?! You?! Helmswoman?!
9 qst701107_msg0009 84 Hey there, sonny boy. ♪ Still skint as a badger, I see.
10 qst701107_msg0010 84 You know each other?
11 qst701107_msg0011 84 Know each other? She used to sponge off of my master's charity once upon a time. Since then we...keep meeting...
12 qst701107_msg0012 84 ....Well, anyhow, she's a great smuggler. She'll get anything, anywhere... Though obviously for a considerable fee.
13 qst701107_msg0013 84 Mind not painting me like I'm some miserly gold-digger, dear? Your master asked me to work with you, so be civil.
14 qst701107_msg0014 84 And so, to business. What're we to be smuggling today? Weapons? Bullion?
15 qst701107_msg0015 84 I've got a policy against carrying monsters, just so you're aware. They just make so much racket...
16 qst701107_msg0016 84 Stop being daft! It's people, OK?
17 qst701107_msg0017 84 The fighting's reached our shores, so I want to be ready to help evacuate the townsfolk when the time comes.
18 qst701107_msg0018 84 Obviously this one boat isn't enough, but even one's a start. I'll try to make more later, as well.
19 qst701107_msg0019 84 Hrmph. So you'll run like a scared rat, and leave Torna to sink?
20 qst701107_msg0020 84 You don't get it! So long as Tornans survive, wherever they settle again will be home enough!
21 qst701107_msg0021 84 Heh... OK then. So what we're actually smuggling is a nation? Really now, sonny boy?
22 qst701107_msg0022 84 ...Ah, you know what, I like the cut of your jib! Very good, I'll pitch in with your venture. ♪
23 qst701107_msg0023 84 Right then, let's see what we're working with...
24 qst701107_msg0024 84 I see... So Aquin's been building boats to help his countrymen.
25 qst701107_msg0025 84 Don't give me too much credit. I just want to do whatever I can, that's all...
26 qst701107_msg0026 84 The way I see it, there's only so much leaders can do in a crisis. If we wait for them to act, help might come too late.
27 qst701107_msg0027 84 ...I think you're too humble. Not many people would take it upon themselves to put a plan like this into action.
28 qst701107_msg0028 84 Well, gosh... Thanks! I think the key thing is that you can't wait for a perfect solution.
29 qst701107_msg0029 84 Or you might end up waiting forever!
30 qst701107_msg0030 84 I cannot tell if he's a visionary, or simply somewhat deluded...
31 qst701107_msg0031 84 I just think if you keep at it, then eventually you'll get there. You just have to believe in yourself!
32 qst701107_msg0032 84 So it's all about the self-confidence, huh...?
33 qst701107_msg0033 84 Whoa! Check it out, Mik! He really made a brand-new boat!
34 qst701107_msg0034 84 Aren't you glad we came?
35 qst701107_msg0035 84 ...
36 qst701107_msg0036 84 Wow, you're staring at it like you wanna stare a hole through it... You like ships and stuff, Mik?
37 qst701107_msg0037 84 You do, don't you? It's cool that you have something you love that much!
38 qst701107_msg0038 84 But for now we've got our mission! That's right - we gotta get back to the shopping! C'mon!
39 qst701107_msg0039 84 Oi, c'mon now! If Mythra finds out we've snuck off again, she'll never shut up about it.
40 qst701107_msg0040 84 We'll come back again later, OK?