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1 qst630203_msg0001 84 So, you're looking for a fierce hat, is that right?
2 qst630203_msg0002 84 Y-y-yes...? I mean, yes, yes I am...
3 qst630203_msg0003 84 Something wrong? You seem a lot less pushy all of a sudden...
4 qst630203_msg0004 84 You're not...afraid of me, are you?
5 qst630203_msg0005 84 N-n-no...? I mean, no ma'am...
6 qst630203_msg0006 84 Seriously...?
7 qst630203_msg0007 84 Look, do you want me to make you a hat or not?
8 qst630203_msg0008 84 Make me a hat?! ...You don't mean turn me into one, do you...?
9 qst630203_msg0009 84 Don't be stupid.
10 qst630203_msg0010 84 You shouldn't judge people, you know. Weaving just so happens to be a hobby of mine.
11 qst630203_msg0011 84 Ha...haha... You're kidding, right?
12 qst630203_msg0012 84 I'm dead serious.
13 qst630203_msg0013 84 Urk...
14 qst630203_msg0014 84 Did you have to say "dead" just then...?
15 qst630203_msg0015 84 Anyway, no disrespect, ma'am, but... I don't think a black spiky hat would suit my, er, complexion so well...
16 qst630203_msg0016 84 That's not what I'm offering.
17 qst630203_msg0017 84 Just tell me what you're after.
18 qst630203_msg0018 84 A hat that would match this outfit...
19 qst630203_msg0019 84 Something simple, but graceful...
20 qst630203_msg0020 84 ...Something like that maybe?
21 qst630203_msg0021 84 Right. Sure, I'll have a go.
22 qst630203_msg0022 84 Oh, and maybe... You could add some high-end touches and a whiff of luxury...?
23 qst630203_msg0023 84 You're pushing your luck there, boo...
24 qst630203_msg0101 84 Think you can do it, Vale?
25 qst630203_msg0201 84 Sound doable, Vale?
26 qst630203_msg0301 84 Vale, does that sound feasible?
27 qst630203_msg0401 84 Are you really gonna do it, Vale?
28 qst630203_msg0501 84 I think I'll manage.
29 qst630203_msg0502 84 But I might need an extra set of hands.
30 qst630203_msg0503 84 We'll see. For now, let's head back to the old lady's house in Fonsett.