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1 qst620305_msg0001 84 This place is just... No, it's totally great!
2 qst620305_msg0002 84 If a guy asks a girl to marry him in a place like this... The girl can't say no, right?
3 qst620305_msg0003 84 Rex, help me out here. Can you ask one of your companions for their honest opinion?
4 qst620305_msg0004 84 Uhm, sure. But who do you want to ask?
5 qst620305_msg0005 84 Who will you ask?
6 qst620305_msg0006 84 Pyra
7 qst620305_msg0007 84 Mythra
8 qst620305_msg0008 84 Someone else
9 qst620305_msg0009 84 Nia
10 qst620305_msg0010 84 Poppi
11 qst620305_msg0011 84 Brighid
12 qst620305_msg0012 84 Pandoria
13 qst620305_msg0013 84 Mòrag
14 qst620305_msg0101 84 Pyra, what do you think?
15 qst620305_msg0102 84 Oh, umm...
16 qst620305_msg0103 84 It's certainly got a little charm!
17 qst620305_msg0104 84 A-a-a little?!
18 qst620305_msg0105 84 Ah, no! Sorry! I meant lots! Lots and lots of charm!
19 qst620305_msg0201 84 Mythra, what do you think?
20 qst620305_msg0202 84 It's not half bad, I suppose.
21 qst620305_msg0203 84 I'm sure there are some girls in Alrest who'd be happy getting proposed to in a place like this.
22 qst620305_msg0204 84 Let's just hope Aurelia is one of them...
23 qst620305_msg0301 84 Nia, what do you think?
24 qst620305_msg0302 84 Why'd you have to go and ask me...?
25 qst620305_msg0303 84 But if you really want to know...
26 qst620305_msg0304 84 Well, it's not too bad, is it?
27 qst620305_msg0305 84 If you put a real effort in to making the moment just right, she can't help but say "yes", I suppose!
28 qst620305_msg0306 84 ...Though come to think of it, it's us who are putting all the hard work in.
29 qst620305_msg0307 84 Nia... Maybe better not to mention that to the bride-to-be...
30 qst620305_msg0401 84 Poppi, what do you think?
31 qst620305_msg0402 84 Why Rex call on Poppi?
32 qst620305_msg0403 84 Poppi has little expertise to contribute and may not answer to satisfaction.
33 qst620305_msg0404 84 Maybe so, but I bet at least you'll be honest!
34 qst620305_msg0405 84 Then Poppi will answer frankly.
35 qst620305_msg0406 84 Answer is: this is good place!
36 qst620305_msg0407 84 Rare gemstone plus rare atmospheric conditions equal low likelihood of plan being considered...cliché.
37 qst620305_msg0408 84 Seem probable to Poppi that person who subject to proposal in these circumstances accept on the spot.
38 qst620305_msg0501 84 Brighid, what do you think?
39 qst620305_msg0502 84 It seems suitable enough.
40 qst620305_msg0503 84 What I can't condone, however, is leaving one's beloved alone for so long, and while on holiday as well.
41 qst620305_msg0504 84 It seems to undermine the premise, no?
42 qst620305_msg0505 84 Huh?! Darn, you don't pull any punches, do you, lady...?
43 qst620305_msg0506 84 But you're right... I gotta hurry up here!
44 qst620305_msg0601 84 Pandoria, what do you think?
45 qst620305_msg0602 84 I think it's great!
46 qst620305_msg0603 84 Ah, I wish someone was this nice to me, just once in my life...
47 qst620305_msg0604 84 Zeke's plenty nice to you, isn't he?
48 qst620305_msg0605 84 Well, I'd not say he's not nice, or anything, but compared to this guy here...
49 qst620305_msg0606 84 I'm, uh, sorry to interrupt, but...
50 qst620305_msg0607 84 Oops, sorry, I got sidetracked.
51 qst620305_msg0608 84 Where was I? Oh yeah, this place. I think it's great!
52 qst620305_msg0701 84 Mòrag, what do you think?
53 qst620305_msg0702 84 I am hesitant to formulate an opinion...
54 qst620305_msg0703 84 Perhaps we had better extend the question to Brighid.
55 qst620305_msg0704 84 Lady Mòrag...
56 qst620305_msg0705 84 I really think you should just say whatever you're thinking. Honesty is the best policy.
57 qst620305_msg0706 84 I see, yes... However...
58 qst620305_msg0707 84 Honesty and conciseness, Lady Mòrag.
59 qst620305_msg0708 84 Ah, indeed...
60 qst620305_msg0709 84 In that case... Yes. I approve.
61 qst620305_msg0801 84 OK! I've decided. I'll do it here!
62 qst620305_msg0802 84 If I had to nitpick though, I'd have to admit, with hesitation, that I maybe have one teeny-tiny concern...
63 qst620305_msg0803 84 Oh all right, we'll clean 'em out for you. Can't have anything ruining the perfect moment, right?
64 qst620305_msg0804 84 If you would be so, ah, kind.
65 qst620305_msg0805 84 Nothing to it!