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1 qst620304_msg0001 84 Well, here we are.
2 qst620304_msg0002 84 There's your white sand, there's your water, all pretty and everything... What do you think..?
3 qst620304_msg0003 84 Oh, it's a nice place all right.
4 qst620304_msg0004 84 But I think it might be might be missing a little, uh, how can I put it...?
5 qst620304_msg0005 84 What I mean is, it seems a bit unsafe, and certainly very pretty in the day, but what about when it gets dark...?
6 qst620304_msg0006 84 When it comes to proposing, I think nighttime is the way to go.
7 qst620304_msg0007 84 You mean like...under the aurora...?
8 qst620304_msg0008 84 The aurora! That's genius!
9 qst620304_msg0009 84 See, Rex? You do get it after all!
10 qst620304_msg0010 84 Yeah, proposing with a Posystone ring under the light of the aurora...
11 qst620304_msg0011 84 That's the stuff of dreams! I can't think of a more perfect scene!
12 qst620304_msg0012 84 So, do you know a good spot for seeing the lights?
13 qst620304_msg0013 84 If I had to guess, maybe Godsford Isle?
14 qst620304_msg0014 84 Let's go check it out, then.
15 qst620304_msg0015 84 And I'd like to get a more feminine perspective on this. Maybe one of the lovely ladies traveling with you?
16 qst620304_msg0016 84 Gotcha, gotcha...