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1 qst620201_msg0001 84 Just look at that, would yeh?
2 qst620201_msg0002 84 This field were growin' mountains of produce, but now it's picked clean as t' Praetor's hanky.
3 qst620201_msg0003 84 If the harvest is over, that's hardly... Oh. That's not it, is it?
4 qst620201_msg0004 84 No, t'isn't.
5 qst620201_msg0005 84 It's daylight robbery, it is. Some villain came in't night and robbed me veg. Not me neighbor's, mind... Just mine.
6 qst620201_msg0006 84 A theft this bare-faced cannot be forgiven!
7 qst620201_msg0007 84 This man has been breaking his back here all day, rain or shine! How dare someone steal the fruit of his sweat?!
8 qst620201_msg0008 84 Steady on, lad. You make it sound right unappetizing when you put it like that... ...And I don't work all that 'ard either...
9 qst620201_msg0009 84 'Tis of no import. A theft is a theft. The act of a villainous man.
10 qst620201_msg0010 84 Why do you assume it's a man...?
11 qst620201_msg0011 84 Man, Tirkin, or monster, the point still stands.
12 qst620201_msg0012 84 Whoever the transgressor, their punishment shall be sure and swift...
13 qst620201_msg0013 84 Perceval!
14 qst620201_msg0014 84 It's no use. That guy doesn't listen to a word anyone says...
15 qst620201_msg0015 84 Me, on the other hand? I'll go house to house, door to door until I've heard EVERYONE'S story!
16 qst620201_msg0016 84 Maybe there'll be a witness...
17 qst620201_msg0017 84 Or maybe I'll find the perp and my righteousness'll move them to confess their crime and beg forgiveness!
18 qst620201_msg0018 84 So... Off I go!
19 qst620201_msg0019 84 ...How exasperating.
20 qst620201_msg0020 84 Those two are like water and oil... But at least they're both on the right side of justice.
21 qst620201_msg0021 84 I think I'll stand guard here at the field. The thief may yet come back to steal what produce remains...
22 qst620201_msg0022 84 What do you think? Does that sound like a plan?
23 qst620201_msg0023 84 I thank you. Leave this job to me, then, and I promise you I won't let you down.
24 qst620201_msg0024 84 ...And the rest of yeh'll go look for the vegetable thief? Is that right?
25 qst620201_msg0025 84 Thanks for that. Good fortune to yeh.