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1 qst610301_msg0001 84 Hey! Hey, you, strong-looking Driver over there!
2 qst610301_msg0002 84 Please hear out Toutour's request!
3 qst610301_msg0003 84 Well, my job is to guide folks around Mor Ardain, you see.
4 qst610301_msg0004 84 And this time, I was meant to show four Nopon guests around a factory on a tour with an industrial sort of flavor...
5 qst610301_msg0005 84 Strange fellows, they were. Seemed to like manufacturing more than they did three square meals a day...
6 qst610301_msg0006 84 But then, as soon as we stepped foot inside the factory premises, they just up and disappeared somewhere!
7 qst610301_msg0007 84 ...And then they never came back...
8 qst610301_msg0008 84 Now, I'm sure you see how something like that would leave me in a pickle! So here I am, looking to get help, but...
9 qst610301_msg0009 84 Thanks so much! Honestly, I was really hoping you'd say that!
10 qst610301_msg0010 84 Now, each of the four customers had a particular interest of their own, so let me fill you in...
11 qst610301_msg0011 84 Topopo, I hear, really likes being high. ...Hey, stop smirking! High up off the ground, is what I meant!
12 qst610301_msg0012 84 Stustu can't get enough of boiling-hot spots.
13 qst610301_msg0013 84 Old man Pewpew has a thing for strong smells. If you find him, maybe consider keeping upwind... Just a thought.
14 qst610301_msg0014 84 And last, but certainly not least, Didimu was curious about clammy attics. ...I know, right?
15 qst610301_msg0015 84 Really, I feel like leaving them there might be to Noponkind's benefit, but... *sigh* I do feel kind of responsible now.
16 qst610301_msg0101 84 It'd be great if you could bring back those four customers of mine that wandered off in the factory!
17 qst610301_msg0201 84 Thanks to you, my customers are back safe and sound, so my reputation won't suffer.
18 qst610301_msg0202 84 Better yet, they all seem super happy with the experience. What a bunch of weirdos, I swear...
19 qst610301_msg0203 84 Well, whatever, I won't dwell on it. If they're happy, then I'm happy! And thank you for all your help!
20 qst610301_msg0204 84 Oh, no need to be so humble. Here's a reward from the customers! ...Though it's just junk they found in the factory...
21 qst610301_msg0205 84 And I'll throw in a little bit extra, too. Thanks again for saving me from four whole one-star reviews!