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1 qst610201_msg0001 84 Konakona have come from Argentum Trade Guild.
2 qst610201_msg0002 84 Konakona search for cousin of partner of sisterpon of girlfriend of buddypon of brotherpon of wifeypon of me...
3 qst610201_msg0003 84 Is Nopon name Budada. Me hear Budada have job in Argentum, but also itchy feet and taste for "adventure"...
4 qst610201_msg0004 84 Now is many months pass since Budada say Budada go to Uraya, and not come back yet...
5 qst610201_msg0005 84 Driver friends can maybe help look?
6 qst610201_msg0006 84 Oh. Well, was worth try...
7 qst610201_msg0007 84 Oh! Luck of Konakona know no bound!
8 qst610201_msg0008 84 Me feel chances of find Budada by own self pretty slim, so really-truly appreciate help!
9 qst610201_msg0009 84 If me remember correct-like, Budada have dream of observe life of Ignas in natural habitat.
10 qst610201_msg0010 84 Konakona leave rest in able hands of friends!
11 qst610201_msg0101 84 Konakona leave search for Budada in able hands of friends.
12 qst610201_msg0102 84 Konakona remember Budada have dream of observe life of Ignas in natural habitat. Maybe is useful informations.
13 qst610201_msg0103 84 By the by, Budada is cousin of partner of sisterpon of girlfriend of buddypon of brotherpon of wifeypon of me...
14 qst610201_msg0104 84 So me never once clap eyes on Budada. Bodily features or character or gender or likes slash dislikes also is mystery!