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1 tlk401011_msg0001 84 We've gathered quite a bit of information now.
2 tlk401011_msg0002 84 Yeah, and plenty of it blatantly bogus. But there were some rumors in there that did bug me a bit...
3 tlk401011_msg0003 84 Time to sort out the real dirt from the baseless suspicion.
4 tlk401011_msg0004 84 Ooh, detective time!
5 tlk401011_msg0005 84 First, we clear up basic premise. Who is targeting summit of nations?
6 tlk401011_msg0006 84 Is former Chairman Bana. Masterpon forget already?
7 tlk401011_msg0007 84 N-no! Tora not that stupid!
8 tlk401011_msg0008 84 Is traditional for deducings to start by listing information everybody know!
9 tlk401011_msg0009 84 Proper flow is for Rex-Rex to think carefully and provide answer!
10 tlk401011_msg0010 84 OK, OK...
11 tlk401011_msg0011 84 On to the next basic premise, then. Where is the summit to be held?
12 tlk401011_msg0012 84 Hmmm...
13 tlk401011_msg0013 165 Where is the summit being held?
14 tlk401011_msg0014 165 The Sanctum of Indol
15 tlk401011_msg0015 165 The Ardainian Titan battleship
16 tlk401011_msg0016 84 Inside the Sanctum of Indol, right?
17 tlk401011_msg0017 84 Uh, no, that's where we had the LAST big meeting.
18 tlk401011_msg0018 84 This summit is between the leaders of Mor Ardain and Uraya alone. They would hardly hold it under Indol's nose.
19 tlk401011_msg0019 84 It's inside the Titan battleship from Mor Ardain.
20 tlk401011_msg0020 84 Yes, that's right.
21 tlk401011_msg0021 84 It seems like Bana is planning an assassination, but what method do you think he might be using?
22 tlk401011_msg0022 165 What's the assassination method?
23 tlk401011_msg0023 165 Sinking the whole battleship
24 tlk401011_msg0024 165 Stabbing
25 tlk401011_msg0025 165 Poison
26 tlk401011_msg0026 84 Wasn't there a rumor that he might sink the whole Titan battleship?
27 tlk401011_msg0027 84 What?! That terrible!
28 tlk401011_msg0028 84 We must get Mòrag out of there at once!
29 tlk401011_msg0029 84 Hold on, hold on. I don't remember any rumors like that.
30 tlk401011_msg0030 84 Actually, weren't people saying the Ardainian battleship's so tough nobody would be able to harm it?
31 tlk401011_msg0031 84 Huh? Now that you mention it, maybe that was what they said...
32 tlk401011_msg0032 84 Let's try this again.
33 tlk401011_msg0033 84 There might be a spy lurking inside, ready to stab the target!
34 tlk401011_msg0034 84 Oh, Tora remember that rumor!
35 tlk401011_msg0035 84 Guards say ninja spy ready to stab Emperor and Queen at moment of handshake! Very dramatic!
36 tlk401011_msg0036 84 Poppi think Masterpon been dozing off and dreaming.
37 tlk401011_msg0037 84 Yes, I don't recall any rumors of that nature.
38 tlk401011_msg0038 84 Meh-meh-meh?!
39 tlk401011_msg0039 84 Actually, didn't we hear that only a select few trustworthy people would be attending from both sides?
40 tlk401011_msg0040 84 No need to worry about ninja spies, then.
41 tlk401011_msg0041 84 C'mon, Rex, at least try to think things through before you speak.
42 tlk401011_msg0042 84 Sorry...
43 tlk401011_msg0043 84 I think...the method might be poison.
44 tlk401011_msg0044 84 Yeah...the ship's totally secure from the outside, and only trustworthy people will be attending, after all.
45 tlk401011_msg0045 84 I guess the only method that really leaves is tampering with the food.
46 tlk401011_msg0046 84 But when would the poison be added? And to what, exactly?
47 tlk401011_msg0047 165 What exactly will be poisoned?
48 tlk401011_msg0048 165 The main meal at the banquet
49 tlk401011_msg0049 165 The drinking water for the conference
50 tlk401011_msg0050 84 Maybe they'll contaminate the drinking water at the conference?
51 tlk401011_msg0051 84 But did we not hear that the main conference would only be attended by select trustworthy individuals?
52 tlk401011_msg0052 84 It might be possible to contaminate the water supply before the conference begins, might it not?
53 tlk401011_msg0053 84 If it were me, I wouldn't even drink any water at a conference like that.
54 tlk401011_msg0054 84 Can't be too careful around people you don't know very well.
55 tlk401011_msg0055 84 Is that how it works?
56 tlk401011_msg0056 84 Maybe there's a more effective method.
57 tlk401011_msg0057 84 It's got to be the meal at the banquet, right?
58 tlk401011_msg0058 84 Yes, I can hardly imagine the VIPs will be preparing their own food.
59 tlk401011_msg0059 84 I'd quite like to see Mòrag and Brighid try cooking for a banquet...
60 tlk401011_msg0060 84 And someone was saying they'd seen lots of weird ingredients being carried inside, right?
61 tlk401011_msg0061 84 Indeed they were.
62 tlk401011_msg0062 84 Suspicious big box carried inside too!
63 tlk401011_msg0063 84 Could the strong-flavored ingredients be to hide the taste of the poison?
64 tlk401011_msg0064 84 You're sharp, Rex. I'd bet that's exactly what they're for.
65 tlk401011_msg0065 84 The only question left is, who will be carrying out the poisoning itself?
66 tlk401011_msg0066 84 Let's see, now...
67 tlk401011_msg0067 165 Who will be poisoning the food?
68 tlk401011_msg0068 165 The refugees
69 tlk401011_msg0069 165 The Tirkin
70 tlk401011_msg0070 165 The people of Indol
71 tlk401011_msg0071 84 The refugees seemed pretty angry.
72 tlk401011_msg0072 84 Can you blame them? It is thanks to the conflict between Mor Ardain and Uraya that they have no homes.
73 tlk401011_msg0073 84 A summit between the two nations will hardly amuse them.
74 tlk401011_msg0074 84 It's not hard to imagine Bana taking advantage of that resentment.
75 tlk401011_msg0075 84 How would the refugees get near the banquet food to poison it, though?
76 tlk401011_msg0076 84 Hmmm... Good point.
77 tlk401011_msg0077 84 Could it be those Tirkin?
78 tlk401011_msg0078 84 The ones that girl was talking about?
79 tlk401011_msg0079 84 Bana use Tirkin as minions before! Tora remember from artificial Blade factory in Mor Ardain!
80 tlk401011_msg0080 84 I can see how they might be more convenient for him than hiring professional assassins, then...
81 tlk401011_msg0081 84 Yeah, but you think Tirkin know the first thing about cooking?
82 tlk401011_msg0082 84 I don't know about that...
83 tlk401011_msg0083 84 Could it be the Indoline citizens?
84 tlk401011_msg0084 84 They certainly didn't seem happy about the whole situation.
85 tlk401011_msg0085 84 Poppi think they seem to not like Ardainians and Urayans very much.
86 tlk401011_msg0086 84 I can see where they're coming from there, but do you really think they'd actually try to assassinate anyone?
87 tlk401011_msg0087 84 The people of Indol are not known for desiring conflict.
88 tlk401011_msg0088 84 Hmmm... Who could it be, then?
89 tlk401011_msg0089 84 Listen, I think we're just going around in circles here.
90 tlk401011_msg0090 84 If we know somebody's probably gonna poison the food, why don't we go check out the battleship itself?
91 tlk401011_msg0091 84 Good point. Regardless of who's carrying it out, we should act fast if we're going to stop this plot.
92 tlk401011_msg0092 84 That settled then! Everybody go to dining hall of Ardainian battleship!