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1 qst202831_msg0001 84 After the fight's over and the world is at peace...
2 qst202831_msg0002 84 I hope we can all go rock hunting together.
3 qst202831_msg0003 84 Maybe we can call the next one Rexinite?
4 qst202831_msg0004 84 Huh? After me?
5 qst202831_msg0005 84 Not that I mind, but... Why me?
6 qst202831_msg0006 84 Maybe we can call the next one Niaprase?
7 qst202831_msg0007 84 You wanna name a rock after me?
8 qst202831_msg0008 84 I don't think I get the appeal, but... knock yourself out.
9 qst202831_msg0009 84 Maybe we can call the next one Mòragspar?
10 qst202831_msg0010 84 After me?
11 qst202831_msg0011 84 I'm not offended, simply...baffled.
12 qst202831_msg0012 84 Maybe we can call the next one Zekerock?
13 qst202831_msg0013 84 You wanna name one after me?
14 qst202831_msg0014 84 It'd be the most awesome mineral ever! But, uh...why?
15 qst202831_msg0015 84 It's the same thing as earlier.
16 qst202831_msg0016 84 I might not remember myself, but as long as there's a mineral out there that's named after me...
17 qst202831_msg0017 84 I can live on in everyone's minds...
18 qst202831_msg0018 84 I just thought I'd like to make sure your name is remembered too, Rex.
19 qst202831_msg0019 84 I just thought I'd like to make sure your name is remembered too, Nia.
20 qst202831_msg0020 84 I just thought I'd like to make sure your name is remembered too, Mòrag.
21 qst202831_msg0021 84 I just thought I'd like to make sure your name is remembered too, Zeke.
22 qst202831_msg0022 84 If I do that, then even if I forget...
23 qst202831_msg0023 84 the name of the mineral we found together will live on, right?
24 qst202831_msg0024 84 ...That sounded really soppy, huh?
25 qst202831_msg0025 84 Make sure you keep it a secret, or else!