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1 qst202320_msg007 84 To awaken Thanatobeast Andraz, you must destroy the four sealstones.
2 qst202320_msg001 84 The song tells of their locations.
3 qst202320_msg002 84 One, the stone of earth, is in a land of verdant forest, another, the stone of fire, in a sweltering waste.
4 qst202320_msg003 84 The stone of water abides in the watery land of eternal spring. The last, of wind, in a tiny country blessed by sea breeze.
5 qst202320_msg004 84 That's what the song says, anyway!
6 qst202320_msg005 84 I'll go and consult with my old teacher about the location of the beast while you're breaking the four seals.
7 qst202320_msg006 84 May you be victorious.
8 qst202320_msg101 84 You will find Thanatobeast Andraz in a place called Xataris Spring in Temperantia.
9 qst202320_msg102 84 I hope you'll be back afterwards to tell me the tale of your epic beast-slaying!
10 qst202320_msg103 84 Perhaps it'll be the inspiration for a new song...