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1 qst202017_0010 82 Hold on, my belly's starting to rumble.
2 qst202017_0020 82 Oh goodness, is it that late already?
3 qst202017_0030 82 Don't worry - I won't be ten minutes! I'll make enough for everyone.
4 qst202017_0040 82 So, what's on the menu today?
5 qst202017_0050 82 I'll give you three guesses.
6 qst202017_0060 82 Oh all right, I'll play along. Could it be...dumplings?
7 qst202017_0070 82 Spot on!
8 qst202017_0080 82 [ML:undisp ]*fit of coughing*
9 qst202017_0090 82 You all right there, man?
10 qst202017_0100 82 Yeah, don't you worry. Just a pesky little cough.
11 qst202017_0110 82 She's a sweet lass, isn't she?
12 qst202017_0120 82 Totally. And her cooking's top notch.
13 qst202017_0130 82 If making of dumplings is same as cooking...
14 qst202017_0140 82 She is perhaps a little misguided at times, but her love and compassion cannot be faulted.
15 qst202017_0150 82 Right...
16 qst202017_0160 82 My life never amounted to much, to be honest with you.
17 qst202017_0170 82 I did some reckless things in my time, all to be the center of attention.
18 qst202017_0180 82 And every time I bungled something up, Vess and the kids'd suffer for it somehow.
19 qst202017_0190 82 But Vess, she stuck by my side all the same.
20 qst202017_0200 82 She took the role of my dearly departed, bless her soul, and started looking after the kids for me.
21 qst202017_0210 82 She's become a part of the family now. I don't know what we'd do without her.
22 qst202017_0220 82 [ML:undisp ]*large cough*
23 qst202017_0230 82 And that's why...
24 qst202017_0240 82 I just want her to have a good life. Do you know what I'm saying?
25 qst202017_0250 82 [ML:undisp ]*cough cough*
26 qst202017_0260 82 Are you all right?!
27 qst202017_0270 82 I'm fine! I just need to lie down for a bit.
28 qst202017_0280 82 That seems like the best course of action.
29 qst202017_0290 82 Let me just...close my eyes a moment...
30 qst202017_0300 82 M-Mabon...?