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1 qst201906_msg0001 84 *sniff* *sob* *hic*
2 qst201906_msg0002 84 What is the matter, child? Why do you cry?
3 qst201906_msg0003 84 *sniff* Umm...there was...
4 qst201906_msg0004 84 A Nopon with black feathers... It ran into me and knocked me over...
5 qst201906_msg0005 84 And they broke my precious clam hairclip...
6 qst201906_msg0006 84 *sob* *sniff*
7 qst201906_msg0007 84 I got it for my birthday... Dad said it was a rare treasure he got from salvaging...
8 qst201906_msg0008 84 Grrrr! That scoundrel!
9 qst201906_msg0009 84 He would make a little girl cry? Foul beast! Lowest of the low!
10 qst201906_msg0010 84 Fear not, child. We will deal with this matter forthwith.
11 qst201906_msg0011 84 And while we may not be able to recover your precious hair ornament, we will find you a replacement.
12 qst201906_msg0012 84 R-really?
13 qst201906_msg0013 84 Really. Not a lie ever escapes our lips!
14 qst201906_msg0014 84 Hey, Sheba, the Nopon this girl bumped into... It could be the one we're after, Saisai.
15 qst201906_msg0015 84 If we hurry, we might be able to catch him for questioning.
16 qst201906_msg0016 84 Enough! While we agree that one million in gold is no small sum...
17 qst201906_msg0017 84 surely you have not forgotten our dream?
18 qst201906_msg0018 84 To unite the belles of the world under a common our entourage.
19 qst201906_msg0019 84 And together we shall hold the finest tea parties Alrest has ever known!
20 qst201906_msg0020 84 Saving this girl is but another step toward that dream!
21 qst201906_msg0021 84 So it is with the greatest of urgency that we implore you to find this child a clam hair ornament!
22 qst201906_msg0022 84 That means you, Rex!
23 qst201906_msg0023 84 Of course it does...
24 qst201906_msg0024 84 But don't worry, I think you can pick them up on the Goldmouth Flight Deck. I'll head there right now!