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1 qst200604_0010 82 Demon or no, 'twas a mere beast. It could not hope to rival a king.
2 qst200604_0020 82 We beat it...
3 qst200604_0030 82 Yeah. We actually beat it.
4 qst200604_0040 82 I gotta say, I didn't think we'd actually do it.
5 qst200604_0050 82 Honestly... Have you no pride?!
6 qst200604_0060 82 How could we fail to overcome such a trifling foe?
7 qst200604_0070 82 Frankly, you should be ashamed that you did not slay it more swiftly.
8 qst200604_0080 82 Uh, right...
9 qst200604_0090 82 I gotta say, though... You're pretty awesome when you go all out, Dagas.
10 qst200604_0100 82 Indeed. I knew you were hiding your full strength, but this was more than I had bargained for.
11 qst200604_0110 82 I'm glad we met you as an ally, not an enemy.
12 qst200604_0120 82 Are you still thinking about your lost kingdom?
13 qst200604_0130 82 It is as you see.
14 qst200604_0140 82 For one so great as I, to slay such a foe is a simple task.
15 qst200604_0150 82 And yet... Though the beast lies defeated, the kingdom remains lost.
16 qst200604_0160 82 There is no way for us to be certain it was even the land I once ruled.
17 qst200604_0170 82 Dagas...
18 qst200604_0180 82 Hey, don't be such a downer.
19 qst200604_0190 82 No point worrying about what's dead and gone. If you want a kingdom, you should make a new one!
20 qst200604_0200 82 Yeah, Zeke's right.
21 qst200604_0210 82 If you try your hardest, anything's possible!
22 qst200604_0220 82 Interesting... There is a certain wisdom in your counsel.
23 qst200604_0230 82 Now that my nemesis lies slain...
24 qst200604_0240 82 It is not fitting for a king to dwell forever on the past.
25 qst200604_0250 82 My path of conquest is far from over!
26 qst200604_0260 82 I am the man who will someday rule this entire world!
27 qst200604_0270 82 Hahahahahah! Hahahahahah! Hahahahahah!
28 qst200604_0280 82 Well, he certainly seems motivated now...
29 qst200604_0290 82 Dagas have energy, but still not quite in touch with reality.
30 qst200604_0300 82 Hear this. You have yet to prove your might as retainers. Therefore, I will lend you my royal strength.
31 qst200604_0310 82 However, 'tis only for the sake of my righteous victory!
32 qst200604_0320 82 Never forget this, my subjects!
33 qst200604_0330 82 Hahahahahah! Hahahahahah! Hahahahahah!
34 qst200604_0340 82 It's great that he's getting into this, and all...
35 qst200604_0350 82 But his attitude still bugs me.
36 qst200604_0360 82 Don't be too harsh.
37 qst200604_0370 82 For all his words, I do believe he cares for us. Let's be happy for him.
38 qst200604_0380 82 Sounds about right.
39 qst200604_0390 82 Being able to deal even with total nutters like him is the mark of a real Driver!
40 qst200604_0400 82 If you say so...
41 qst200604_0410 82 Haha... Hahahahahah! Hahahahahahahahah!