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1 qst102110_msg0001 84 I've already reported in, quite some time ago.
2 qst102110_msg0002 84 Although I didn't state exactly how many I defeated...
3 qst102110_msg0101 84 Maybe Arthem saying he defeated more than his share...was a lie?
4 qst102110_msg0102 84 Or what, did you or Damida fail to hit your quota or something?
5 qst102110_msg0103 84 In any case, don't go blaming me!
6 qst102110_msg0201 84 Did you see Damida running away with some parcels?
7 qst102110_msg0202 84 Maybe he was afraid of the Spike Urchon and decided to leg it! Bwahaha!
8 qst102110_msg0203 84 So maybe he didn't defeat his share either...