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1 qst001801_msg0001 84 Oh goodness, thank you. You really saved me!
2 qst001801_msg0002 84 My name is Olua. You can probably tell I'm a Blade. Nice to meet you!
3 qst001801_msg0003 165 What should we say to her?
4 qst001801_msg0004 165 Invite her to join us
5 qst001801_msg0005 165 Ask what happened to her Driver
6 qst001801_msg0006 84 I'm awfully sorry.
7 qst001801_msg0007 84 I'm in your debt, but I can't join you.
8 qst001801_msg0008 84 I have a wonderful Driver named Reid.
9 qst001801_msg0009 84 Ah, you noticed.
10 qst001801_msg0010 84 My Driver is a wonderful young man named Reid.
11 qst001801_msg0011 84 He is still a novice Driver, not yet as strong as you.
12 qst001801_msg0012 84 Nor is he much of a swordsman yet.
13 qst001801_msg0013 84 So when faced with danger, he tends to run away.
14 qst001801_msg0014 84 But a Moks Eluca caught him unawares from behind, and sent him tumbling down into the Cloud Sea.
15 qst001801_msg0015 84 Don't worry. Everything's fine!
16 qst001801_msg0016 84 I'm still alive so he must be too.
17 qst001801_msg0017 84 ...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.
18 qst001801_msg0018 84 Do you think you'd be able to perhaps look for Reid?
19 qst001801_msg0019 84 He might be fine right now, but if he got attacked by a monster he'd be a sitting duck.
20 qst001801_msg0020 84 Thank you.
21 qst001801_msg0021 84 There's a chance that Reid may return under his own steam, so I'll wait here in case he does.
22 qst001801_msg0101 84 Reid fell into the Cloud Sea, so I'd start looking under this island.
23 qst001801_msg0102 84 I pray he managed to reach one of the islands...
24 qst001801_msg0103 84 Of course he's all right. Reid is a strong Ardainian boy. Good luck on your search!
25 qst001801_msg0201 84 Help me!
26 qst001801_msg0202 84 Defeat those Moks Elucas! Please!