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1 qst001501_msg001 84 ああ ここだけの話なんだがな
2 qst001501_msg002 84 こないだ帝国軍が捕らえたスパイが 入手した極秘情報をモンスターに くくりつけて逃がしちまったらしいんだ
3 qst001501_msg003 84
4 qst001501_msg004 84 ものすごい報酬金が懸けられてんだよ
5 qst001501_msg005 84 そのモンスターをとっ捕まえて 極秘情報が書かれたブツを 詰め所に届けりゃしばらく遊び放題だぜ!
6 qst001501_msg006 84 なんて聞こう?
7 qst001501_msg007 84 仕事はしなくていいのか尋ねる
8 qst001501_msg008 84 そんなに休みたいのか尋ねる
9 qst001501_msg009 84 どちらの選択肢を選んでもセリフは変わらない
10 qst001501_msg010 84 傭兵の仕事は危険なものが多くてよ やれ要人の護衛だ やれモンスター退治だ
11 qst001501_msg011 84 そんなんばっかやらされてんだ たまにはゆっくり休んだって バチはあたんねぇだろ
12 qst001501_msg012 84 っつーわけで探してんだが[ML:Dash ] これがなかなか大変でな
13 qst001501_msg013 84 群れの中に混ざっちまって どいつが持ってるかさっぱりわかんねぇんだ
14 qst001501_msg014 84 一度団に戻って調べてもらえりゃ すぐにわかるのかもしんねぇが[ML:Dash ]
15 qst001501_msg015 84 そうすっと報酬が独り占めできねぇからな 相談するのは最後の手段だな
16 qst001501_msg016 84 手強い相手だが必ず捕まえて 報酬金をがっぽりいただくぜ!
17 qst001501_msg017 84 おっといけねぇ 早くしねぇと他の奴らに先を越されちまう
18 qst001501_msg018 84 んじゃ 俺は行かせてもらうぜ あばよ!
19 qst001501_msg0002 84 Well met, fellows! And have I got news for you!
20 qst001501_msg0003 84 So the Imperial Army recently caught a spy. A spy who'd stolen some top-secret intelligence.
21 qst001501_msg0004 84 Question time! Where do you think they hid it?
22 qst001501_msg0005 165 Where do we think it's hidden?
23 qst001501_msg0006 165 Buried in the ground
24 qst001501_msg0007 165 Inside their stomach
25 qst001501_msg0008 165 In the Cloud Sea
26 qst001501_msg0009 84 Nuh-uh.
27 qst001501_msg0010 84 Though it might have been better in the long run...
28 qst001501_msg0011 84 Made it so that only a salvager could get to it?
29 qst001501_msg0012 84 Interesting, but no.
30 qst001501_msg0013 84 The spy, without the time to hide the documents properly, put them in a steel box and fed them to a monster.
31 qst001501_msg0014 84 Now that's food for thought!
32 qst001501_msg0016 84 An excellent guess!
33 qst001501_msg0017 84 Oh, but not inside their own stomach. A monster's stomach.
34 qst001501_msg0018 84 Put the documents in a steel box, then, gulp!
35 qst001501_msg0019 84 And that monster was a, drumroll, Noog Skeeter!
36 qst001501_msg0020 84 Only thing is, you know how freely those monsters fly across the Ardainian skies...
37 qst001501_msg0021 84 The Noog Skeeter that swallowed the documents got mixed in with the flock and now we don't know which one it is!
38 qst001501_msg0022 84 There's a pretty big prize riding on it, but taking down even one is a process... Cost, benefit, y'know?
39 qst001501_msg0023 84 Anyhoo, that's the story. A request of big effort, no takers.
40 qst001501_msg0025 84 Eh, if you feel like doing it, I'm not gonna stop you.
41 qst001501_msg0026 84 Defeat the Noog Skeeters and recover the documents...
42 qst001501_msg0027 84 then hand them over to the soldier at the Hardhaigh Palace gatehouse to get your reward.
43 qst001501_msg0029 84 Oh, yeah...
44 qst001501_msg0030 84 You might be able to tell which Noog Skeeter swallowed the documents.
45 qst001501_msg0031 84 With that thing in its stomach, it might be feeling a wee bit crabbit.
46 qst001501_msg0032 84 Ah, but you might have to be watching for a pretty long time...
47 qst001501_msg0101 84 Hey-oh, you still doing that job I told you about before?
48 qst001501_msg0102 84 Defeat the Noog Skeeters and recover the documents...
49 qst001501_msg0103 84 then hand them over to the soldier in the Hardhaigh Palace gatehouse to get your reward.
50 qst001501_msg0104 84 Best of luck!