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1 kizunatalk012_msg0001 84 The inside of a Titan battleship is way different from the Monoceros, huh...
2 kizunatalk012_msg0002 84 What is Monoceros?
3 kizunatalk012_msg0003 84 Rex, you saw it, right? Moored at a pier back in Goldmouth?
4 kizunatalk012_msg0004 84 Jin and co.'s black boat.
5 kizunatalk012_msg0005 84 Aah, that really impressive one! It runs without being hooked up to a Titan, right?
6 kizunatalk012_msg0006 84 I'm no expert, but... yeah, looked like it.
7 kizunatalk012_msg0007 84 Sound awesome! Tora want to see too!
8 kizunatalk012_msg0008 84 You won't get the chance, unless we see those Torna guys again.
9 kizunatalk012_msg0009 84 Meh-meh-meh-meh?!
10 kizunatalk012_msg0010 84 Tora change mind. No need to see.
11 kizunatalk012_msg0011 84 Masterpon change mind at drop of hat...
12 kizunatalk012_msg0012 84 Well, the Monoceros was pretty sweet, but this is nothing to scoff at either!
13 kizunatalk012_msg0013 84 For sure. It's full of things I've never seen before.
14 kizunatalk012_msg0014 84 Ah! That's because this vessel is result of latest breakthroughs in Ardainian tech!
15 kizunatalk012_msg0015 84 Regular folk never so much as set foot on board!
16 kizunatalk012_msg0016 84 You say breakthroughs in technology, but what you mean is salvaged stuff, right?
17 kizunatalk012_msg0017 84 Hmm, not exclusively. I see lots of homegrown improvements as well.
18 kizunatalk012_msg0018 84 Like this, see? Whatever they've stuffed in here, it's been messed with so much, I can't tell what it was to start with.
19 kizunatalk012_msg0019 84 That control panel. It transmit signal to Titan nerves.
20 kizunatalk012_msg0020 84 By running cables to different parts of Titan from here, can control signal flow much more better.
21 kizunatalk012_msg0021 84 Whaaaat...? That's amazing.
22 kizunatalk012_msg0022 84 And this cable itself have 2.4 time the speed and 12 time the capacity of previous iteration.
23 kizunatalk012_msg0023 84 In other words, it on whole other level to stuff other countries use!
24 kizunatalk012_msg0024 84 Huh! So if they put this in a smaller Titan vessel, it would work even better!
25 kizunatalk012_msg0025 84 Pin-pon! Correct!
26 kizunatalk012_msg0026 84 *sigh* They seem to be having fun, but it's all gibberish to me...
27 kizunatalk012_msg0027 84 Poppi, what do you think?
28 kizunatalk012_msg0028 165 What should Poppi say?
29 kizunatalk012_msg0029 164 That not even so bad...
30 kizunatalk012_msg0030 164 Why Masterpon act so proud?
31 kizunatalk012_msg0101 84 Oh really?
32 kizunatalk012_msg0102 84 Poppi have access to much varied information.
33 kizunatalk012_msg0103 84 Considering interests of Masterpon, technology info is especially rich.
34 kizunatalk012_msg0104 84 So for Poppi is not issue, following conversation in question.
35 kizunatalk012_msg0105 84 Moreover, if necessary, Poppi could out-geek Masterpon if Poppi try.
36 kizunatalk012_msg0106 84 R-right, OK...
37 kizunatalk012_msg0107 84 I'm...sorry I doubted you...
38 kizunatalk012_msg0108 84 No worry, Nia.
39 kizunatalk012_msg0109 84 Poppi can also hold conversation on favorite bug dishes of Nia.
40 kizunatalk012_msg0110 84 You're too kind...
41 kizunatalk012_msg0111 84 I should point out though, it's not bugs I like, but fish.
42 kizunatalk012_msg0112 84 Meh-?! Poppi apologize.
43 kizunatalk012_msg0113 84 Poppi update her database now. Masterpon not always fastidious in data entry, so mistakes happen.
44 kizunatalk012_msg0114 84 Tora! I like bugs now, do I...?
45 kizunatalk012_msg0115 84 Meh-meh! Tora suddenly feel very unsafe.
46 kizunatalk012_msg0116 84 Rex-Rex, we should move on. If we stay here, something bad bound to happen!
47 kizunatalk012_msg0117 84 Like what?
48 kizunatalk012_msg0118 84 No time to waste, we go!
49 kizunatalk012_msg0201 84 Ho-hoo! Tora very glad you ask!
50 kizunatalk012_msg0202 84 That because tech used in this Titan battleship is same as what Poppi's muscles and drivetrain use!
51 kizunatalk012_msg0203 84 [ML:Feeling kind=Anger ]Poppi is surprised!
52 kizunatalk012_msg0204 84 [ML:Feeling kind=Anger ]But however though! Ones that Poppi use are even more improved than these here!
53 kizunatalk012_msg0205 84 [ML:Feeling kind=Anger ]Yet more surprise!
54 kizunatalk012_msg0206 84 ...Are you saying you stole the tech from Mor Ardain?
55 kizunatalk012_msg0207 84 C'mon, Tora... Is that what you call sporting behavior?
56 kizunatalk012_msg0208 84 Tora take calculated risk in service to cause of scientific advancement...
57 kizunatalk012_msg0209 84 As result, not even Ardainian scientists capable of reverse-engineer Poppi systems!
58 kizunatalk012_msg0210 84 So no worries there!
59 kizunatalk012_msg0211 84 Upon learning secret of Poppi's birth, Poppi feel sense of unease...
60 kizunatalk012_msg0212 84 E-everything fine! ...Probably.
61 kizunatalk012_msg0213 84 Now, Rex-Rex! No time for chit-chat. Let's get going!