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10001 Lead Chip 初期1 1 Primitive Sword Primitive Scimitar Primitive Rings Primitive Shield Primitive Arms Primitive Saber Primitive Whips Primitive Edge Primitive Scythes Primitive Axe Primitive Lance Primitive Cannon Primitive Hammer Nameless Katana Primitive Ball Primitive Knuckles Nameless Nodachi Nameless Crosier Primitive Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 900 2700 Common Gormott Province 0 0 False
4 refs ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f005 MNU_ShopNormal#7 MNU_ShopNormal#21 MNU_ShopNormal#110
Tin Chip 初期2 1 Plain Sword Plain Scimitar Plain Rings Plain Shield Plain Arms Plain Saber Plain Whips Plain Edge Plain Scythes Plain Axe Plain Lance Plain Cannon Plain Hammer Eastern Tachi Plain Ball Plain Knuckles Eastern Nodachi Eastern Crosier Plain Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 800 2400 Common Gormott Province 53 0 False
7 refs BTL_EnDropItem#30 FLD_QuestReward#945 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_d010 ma07a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma07a_f014 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f012 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f013 MNU_ShopNormal#37
Bronze Chip 初期3 3 Flatform Sword Flatform Scimitar Flatform Rings Flatform Shield Flatform Arms Flatform Saber Flatform Whips Flatform Edge Flatform Scythes Flatform Axe Flatform Lance Flatform Cannon Flatform Hammer Vagrant Tachi Flatform Ball Flatform Knuckles Vagrant Nodachi Vagrant Crosier Flatform Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 1400 4200 Common Kingdom of Uraya 53 0 False
6 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#421 BTL_EnDropItem#86 BTL_EnDropItem#223 BTL_EnDropItem#429 FLD_QuestReward#80 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f014_r2
Silver Chip 初期4 15 Ornate Sword Ornate Scimitar Rings of Plenty Shield of Plenty Ornate Arms Ornate Saber Whips of Plenty Edge of Plenty Sickles of Plenty Hatchet of Plenty Ornate Lance Ornate Cannon Ornate Hammer Katana of Plenty Ornate Ball Ornate Knuckles Noble Nodachi Opulent Crosier Ornate Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 9000 27000 Legendary Gormott Province Temperantia 52 0 False
8 refs BTL_EnDropItem#56 BTL_EnDropItem#61 BTL_EnDropItem#64 BTL_EnDropItem#67 BTL_EnDropItem#334 BTL_EnDropItem#337 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f010 MNU_ShopNormal#7
Iron Chip 初期(カラバリ)1 5 Breaker Sword Breaker Scimitar Breaker Rings Breaker Shield Breaker Arms Breaker Saber Breaker Whips Breaker Edge Breaker Scythes Breaker Axe Breaker Lance Breaker Cannon Breaker Hammer Breaker Tachi Breaker Ball Breaker Knuckles Nodachi of Ruin Crosier of Ruin Breaker Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2400 7200 Common Argentum Trade Guild 52 0 False
9 refs BTL_EnDropItem#65 BTL_EnDropItem#68 BTL_EnDropItem#335 BTL_EnDropItem#338 FLD_QuestReward#507 FLD_QuestReward#1052 ma07a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma07a_f016 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f010_r MNU_ShopNormal#7
Cobalt Chip 初期(カラバリ)2 5 Duelist's Sword Duelist's Scimitar Duelist's Rings Duelist's Shield Duelist's Arms Duelist's Saber Duelist's Whips Duelist's Edge Duelist's Scythes Duelist's Axe Duelist's Lance Duelist's Cannon Duelist's Hammer Duelist's Tachi Duelist's Ball Duelist's Knuckles Duelist's Nodachi Duelist's Crosier Duelist's Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2400 7200 Common Argentum Trade Guild 53 0 False
14 refs BTL_EnDropItem#21 BTL_EnDropItem#27 BTL_EnDropItem#66 BTL_EnDropItem#69 BTL_EnDropItem#72 BTL_EnDropItem#336 BTL_EnDropItem#341 BTL_EnDropItem#467 BTL_EnDropItem#468 FLD_QuestReward#887 FLD_QuestReward#1055 ma07a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma07a_c002 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f047_r MNU_ShopNormal#7
Steel Chip 初期(カラバリ)3 5 Battle Sword Battle Scimitar Battle Rings Battle Shield Battle Arms Battle Saber Battle Whips Battle Edge Battle Scythes Battle Axe Battle Lance Battle Cannon Battle Hammer War Tachi Battle Ball Battle Knuckles War Nodachi War Crosier Battle Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2400 7200 Common Argentum Trade Guild 53 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#422 BTL_EnDropItem#53 BTL_EnDropItem#224 BTL_EnDropItem#430 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f014_r2
Gold Chip 初期(カラバリ)4 15 Snare Sword Snare Scimitar Plunder Rings Plunder Shield Snare Arms Snare Saber Plunder Whips Plunder Edge Plunder Sickles Plunder Hatchet Snare Lance Snare Cannon Snare Hammer Plunder Katana Snare Ball Snare Knuckles Plunder Nodachi Plunder Crosier Snare Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 9000 27000 Legendary Kingdom of Uraya Empire of Mor Ardain 52 0 False
6 refs ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f001 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f026 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f002 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_n009 MNU_ShopNormal#21 MNU_ShopNormal#110
Fang Chip 自然1 2 Sword of the Fox Scimitar of Shores Wild Rings Bitey Bitey Shield Studded Arms Deadly Saber Whips of the Sparrow Flighty Edge Pixie Scythes Large Axe Spike Lance Osseous Cannon Horn Hammer Wildflower Tachi Wooden Ball Knuckles of the Crow Wildflower Nodachi Wildflower Crosier Bone Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 1000 3000 Common Gormott Province 53 0 False
4 refs ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f020 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f035 MNU_ShopNormal#21 MNU_ShopNormal#110
Wing Chip 自然2 2 Sword of the Dingo Scimitar of Waves Howling Rings Gnashy Gnashy Shield Rash Arms Razorgraze Saber Whips of the Robin Feathered Edge Sylph's Scythes Grand Axe Needle Lance Roaring Cannon Beastly Hammer Meadow Katana Maple Ball Peak Knuckles Meadow Nodachi Meadow Crosier Raw Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 1300 3900 Common Gormott Province 53 0 False
12 refs BTL_EnDropItem#32 BTL_EnDropItem#34 BTL_EnDropItem#36 BTL_EnDropItem#314 BTL_EnDropItem#316 BTL_EnDropItem#318 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_d007 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f031 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f006 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f007 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f021 MNU_ShopNormal#37
Scale Chip 自然3 3 Sword of the Lycaon Scimitar of Calm Shell Rings Nibbly Nibbly Shield Battering Arms Whirlchip Saber Whips of the Lark Winged Edge Faerie Scythes Huge Axe Sharp Lance Loud Cannon Raider's Hammer Herbalist's Katana Birch Ball Crested Knuckles Herbalist's Nodachi Herbalist's Crosier Unmuffled Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 1700 5100 Common Gormott Province 53 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#423 BTL_EnDropItem#233 BTL_EnDropItem#439 BTL_EnDropItem#484 FLD_QuestReward#958
Horn Chip 自然4 16 Sword of the Jackal Scimitar of Affection Rings of the Earth Pokey Pokey Shield Pounding Arms Songslice Saber Whips of the Swift Triumph Edge Titania's Scythes Enormous Axe Stinger Lance Skull Cannon Crushing Hammer Katana of Springtime Pine Ball Titan Knuckles Cherrybloom Nodachi Snow-White Moon Skull Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 9900 29700 Legendary Gormott Province 52 0 False
10 refs BTL_EnDropItem#95 BTL_EnDropItem#97 BTL_EnDropItem#352 BTL_EnDropItem#354 FLD_QuestUse#135 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_c009 ma08a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma08a_f025 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_n031 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_c008 MNU_ShopNormal#116
Wood Chip 自然(カラバリ)1 7 Sword of the Jaguar Scimitar of Purity Ripper Rings Blasty Blasty Shield Crushing Arms Chopcuff Saber Whips of the Crane Avian Edge Spriggan's Scythes Gargantuan Axe Lance of Harm Gourmand's Cannon Druid's Hammer Shadeleaf Tachi Linden Ball Raider's Knuckles Shadeleaf Nodachi Shadeleaf Crosier Hungry Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 3800 11400 Common Leftherian Archipelago 52 0 False
7 refs BTL_EnDropItem#96 BTL_EnDropItem#98 BTL_EnDropItem#353 BTL_EnDropItem#355 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_n031 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_c004 MNU_ShopNormal#116
Flower Chip 自然(カラバリ)2 7 Sword of the Lynx Scimitar of Splendor Dicer Rings Cheery Cheery Shield Thumping Arms Swishslash Saber Whips of the Ibis Edge of the Raptor Banshee Scythes Violent Axe Lance of Torment Monstrous Cannon Forest Hammer Budding Katana Camellia Ball Jawbone Knuckles Budding Nodachi Budding Crosier Monstrous Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 3800 11400 Common Leftherian Archipelago 52 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#106 BTL_EnDropItem#99 BTL_EnDropItem#356 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f010 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_c006
Glass Chip 自然(カラバリ)3 7 Sword of the Puma Scimitar of Integrity Slicer Rings Rippy Rippy Shield Pummeling Arms Twirlslip Saber Whips of the Shrike Edge of the Vulture Ainsel's Scythes Berserker's Axe Plague Lance Brutal Cannon Highland Hammer Greenbough Tachi Magnolia Ball Bear Knuckles Greenbough Nodachi Greenbough Crosier Brutal Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 3400 10200 Rare Leftherian Archipelago 52 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#424 BTL_EnDropItem#24 BTL_EnDropItem#234 BTL_EnDropItem#440 BTL_EnDropItem#484
Forest Chip 自然(カラバリ)4 16 Insect Slayer Scimitar of Grace Slasher Rings Carnivore's Shield Strongjaw Gauntlets Insect Slicer The Cormorants Predator's Edge Elf King's Scythes Axe of Wrath Dread Lance Glutton's Cannon Gaia Hammer Aesthete's Katana Ivy Ball Chimaera Knuckles Scenic Nodachi Crosier of Myriad Hues Voracious Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 9900 29700 Legendary Gormott Province 52 0 False
10 refs BTL_EnDropItem#44 BTL_EnDropItem#326 FLD_QuestReward#1053 FLD_QuestReward#1064 FLD_QuestReward#1075 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_d004 ma07a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma07a_f029 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f040 MNU_ShopNormal#36 MNU_ShopNormal#112
Turquoise Chip ヒロイック1 4 Knight's Sword Knight's Scimitar Knight's Rings Knight's Shield Knight's Arms Knight's Saber Knight's Whips Knight's Edge Knight's Scythes Knight's Axe Knight's Lance Knight's Cannon Knight's Hammer Warrior's Tachi Knight's Ball Knight's Knuckles Soldier's Nodachi Warrior's Crosier Knight's Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2200 6600 Common Kingdom of Uraya 52 0 False
12 refs BTL_EnDropItem#23 BTL_EnDropItem#42 BTL_EnDropItem#45 BTL_EnDropItem#324 BTL_EnDropItem#327 FLD_QuestReward#88 FLD_QuestReward#1054 FLD_QuestReward#1063 ma07a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma07a_f034 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f043 MNU_ShopNormal#36 MNU_ShopNormal#112
Spinel Chip ヒロイック2 4 Guardian's Sword Guardian's Scimitar Guardian's Rings Guardian's Shield Guardian's Arms Guardian's Saber Guardian's Whips Guardian's Edge Guardian's Scythes Guardian's Axe Guardian's Lance Guardian's Cannon Guardian's Hammer Yojimbo Guardian's Ball Guardian's Knuckles Guard's Nodachi Defensive Crosier Guardian's Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2600 7800 Common Kingdom of Uraya 52 0 False
12 refs BTL_EnDropItem#46 BTL_EnDropItem#51 BTL_EnDropItem#52 BTL_EnDropItem#54 BTL_EnDropItem#328 BTL_EnDropItem#331 FLD_QuestReward#10 FLD_QuestReward#81 FLD_QuestReward#87 FLD_QuestReward#950 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_f008 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f053_r
Amethyst Chip ヒロイック3 4 Cavalry Sword Scimitar of Prayer Rings of the Maiden Daring Shield Temptation Gauntlets Saint's Saber Whips of the Sun Orion's Rise Augur's Scythes Hatchet of the Round Cleric's Lance Sniper Cannon Concert Hammer Fencer's Tachi Chancy Ball Face Punchers Fencer's Nodachi Gatekeeper's Crosier Accurate Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2600 7800 Rare Kingdom of Uraya 53 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#425 BTL_EnDropItem#238 BTL_EnDropItem#444 FLD_QuestReward#954 FLD_QuestReward#1203
Fluorite Chip ヒロイック4 17 Valkyrie's Sword Valkyrie's Scimitar Valkyrie's Rings Valkyrie's Shield Valkyrie's Arms Valkyrie's Saber Valkyrie's Whips Valkyrie's Edge Valkyrie's Scythes Valkyrie's Axe Valkyrie's Lance Valkyrie's Cannon Valkyrie's Hammer Flowing Tachi Valkyrie's Ball Valkyrie's Knuckles Flowing Nodachi Flowing Crosier Valkyrie's Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 10800 32400 Legendary Kingdom of Uraya Empire of Mor Ardain 0 0 False
5 refs FLD_QuestReward#26 FLD_QuestReward#1046 FLD_QuestUse#136 ma13a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma13a_f023 MNU_ShopNormal#96
Garnet Chip ヒロイック(カラバリ)1 10 Paladin's Sword Paladin's Scimitar Paladin's Rings Paladin's Shield Paladin's Arms Paladin's Saber Paladin's Whips Paladin's Edge Paladin's Scythes Paladin's Axe Paladin's Lance Paladin's Cannon Paladin's Hammer Flagbearer's Tachi Paladin's Ball Paladin's Knuckles Flagbearer's Nodachi Flagbearer's Crosier Paladin's Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 7000 21000 Common Spirit Crucible Elpys 52 0 False
6 refs BTL_EnDropItem#156 BTL_EnDropItem#471 FLD_QuestReward#1050 ma16a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma16a_d016 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f059_r2_s MNU_ShopNormal#96
Aquamarine Chip ヒロイック(カラバリ)2 10 Holy Sword Holy Scimitar Holy Rings Holy Shield Holy Arms Holy Saber Holy Whips Holy Edge Holy Scythes Holy Axe Holy Lance Holy Cannon Holy Hammer Lifeline Katana Holy Ball Holy Knuckles Undying Nodachi Lifeline Crosier Holy Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 7000 21000 Common Spirit Crucible Elpys 52 0 False
15 refs BTL_EnDropItem#59 BTL_EnDropItem#144 BTL_EnDropItem#148 BTL_EnDropItem#162 BTL_EnDropItem#164 BTL_EnDropItem#166 BTL_EnDropItem#169 BTL_EnDropItem#385 BTL_EnDropItem#391 BTL_EnDropItem#392 BTL_EnDropItem#395 BTL_EnDropItem#471 FLD_QuestReward#68 FLD_QuestReward#1047 FLD_QuestReward#1048
Opal Chip ヒロイック(カラバリ)3 10 Sword of Valor Scimitar of Valor Rings of Valor Shield of Valor Arms of Valor Saber of Valor Whips of Valor Edge of Valor Scythes of Valor Axe of Valor Lance of Valor Cannon of Valor Hammer of Valor Brave Katana Ball of Valor Knuckles of Valor Brave Nodachi Brave Crosier Gunknives of Valor Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 6300 18900 Rare Spirit Crucible Elpys 53 0 False
6 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#426 BTL_EnDropItem#57 BTL_EnDropItem#239 BTL_EnDropItem#445 FLD_QuestReward#69 ma07a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma07a_f007
Zircon Chip ヒロイック(カラバリ)4 17 Zephyr Sword Winged Scimitar Airslash Rings Birdivore Shield Hunter's Arms Regal Saber Soaring Swallows Arbiter's Brand Executioner's Sickles Axe of Order Lance of Longinus Buzzard Cannon The Maestro Clearglass Katana Homing Ball Kaiser Knuckles Lapis Nodachi Daybreak Crosier Gambler's Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 10800 32400 Legendary Kingdom of Uraya 0 0 False
6 refs BTL_EnDropItem#346 FLD_QuestReward#1078 ma02a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma02a_c002 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f038_r_s MNU_ShopNormal#56 MNU_ShopNormal#114
Coil Chip スチームパンク1 6 Custom Sword Custom Scimitar Custom Rings Custom Shield Custom Arms Custom Saber Custom Whips Custom Edge Custom Scythes Custom Axe Custom Lance Custom Cannon Custom Hammer Trick Katana Custom Ball Custom Knuckles Trick Nodachi Trick Crosier Custom Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2700 8100 Common Empire of Mor Ardain 52 0 False
6 refs BTL_EnDropItem#346 ma08a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma08a_f022 ma08a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma08a_f027 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f020_r_s MNU_ShopNormal#56 MNU_ShopNormal#114
Chain Chip スチームパンク2 6 Clockwork Sword Clockwork Scimitar Clockwork Rings Clockwork Shield Clockwork Arms Clockwork Saber Clockwork Whips Clockwork Edge Clockwork Scythes Clockwork Axe Clockwork Lance Clockwork Cannon Clockwork Hammer Blackiron Tachi Clockwork Ball Clockwork Knuckles Jet-Black Nodachi Blackiron Crosier Clockwork Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 2700 8100 Common Empire of Mor Ardain 52 0 False
18 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#55 BTL_EnDropItem#29 BTL_EnDropItem#81 BTL_EnDropItem#82 BTL_EnDropItem#87 BTL_EnDropItem#89 BTL_EnDropItem#350 BTL_EnDropItem#351 BTL_EnDropItem#469 BTL_EnDropItem#480 FLD_QuestReward#75 FLD_QuestReward#100 FLD_QuestReward#126 FLD_QuestReward#955 FLD_QuestReward#960 ma05a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma05a_c008 ma08a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma08a_f020 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f039_r2_s
Magnet Chip スチームパンク3 6 Technical Sword Scimitar of the Owl Rings of Revival Loud Shield Turbojet Arms Ranger's Saber Muscle Whips Fearful Symmetry Tenacious Sickles General's Axe Charged Lance Darkseeker Sonic Hammer Eightfold Tachi Stealth Ball Brawler Knuckles Eightfold Nodachi Eightfold Crosier Hawkeyes Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 3300 9900 Rare Empire of Mor Ardain 52 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#486 BTL_EnDropItem#55 BTL_EnDropItem#243 BTL_EnDropItem#449 BTL_EnDropItem#481
Shaft Chip スチームパンク4 18 Accelerator Sword Accelerator Scimitar Accelerator Rings Accelerator Shield Accelerator Arms Accelerator Saber Accelerator Whips Accelerator Edge Accelerator Scythes Accelerator Axe Accelerator Lance Accelerator Cannon Accelerator Hammer Armored Tachi Accelerator Ball Accelerator Knuckles Armored Nodachi Armored Crosier Accelerator Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 11700 35100 Legendary Gormott Province Empire of Mor Ardain 52 0 False
5 refs BTL_EnDropItem#368 BTL_EnDropItem#374 FLD_QuestReward#1065 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f023_r MNU_ShopNormal#81
Battery Chip スチームパンク(カラバリ)1 9 Turbine Sword Turbine Scimitar Turbine Rings Turbine Shield Turbine Arms Turbine Saber Turbine Whips Turbine Edge Turbine Scythes Turbine Axe Turbine Lance Turbine Cannon Turbine Hammer Mechatronic Tachi Turbine Ball Turbine Knuckles Cogwheel Nodachi Cogwheel Crosier Turbine Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 5000 15000 Common Kingdom of Tantal 52 0 False
6 refs BTL_EnDropItem#368 BTL_EnDropItem#374 FLD_QuestReward#1045 ma13a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma13a_c008 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f045_r MNU_ShopNormal#81
Engine Chip スチームパンク(カラバリ)2 9 Ceramic Sword Ceramic Scimitar Ceramic Rings Ceramic Shield Ceramic Arms Ceramic Saber Ceramic Whips Ceramic Edge Ceramic Scythes Ceramic Axe Ceramic Lance Ceramic Cannon Ceramic Hammer Steamdrive Tachi Ceramic Ball Ceramic Knuckles Mechanical Nodachi Mechanical Crosier Ceramic Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 5000 15000 Common Kingdom of Tantal 52 0 False
17 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#169 BTL_EnDropItem#91 BTL_EnDropItem#123 BTL_EnDropItem#124 BTL_EnDropItem#126 BTL_EnDropItem#145 BTL_EnDropItem#365 BTL_EnDropItem#366 BTL_EnDropItem#473 FLD_QuestReward#114 FLD_QuestReward#951 FLD_QuestReward#1031 FLD_QuestReward#1041 FLD_QuestReward#1058 FLD_QuestReward#1059 ma08a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma08a_c013 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f046_r
Motor Chip スチームパンク(カラバリ)3 9 Mechanized Sword Mechanized Scimitar Mechanized Rings Mechanized Shield Mechanized Arms Mechanized Saber Mechanized Whips Mechanized Edge Mechanized Scythes Mechanized Axe Mechanized Lance Mechanized Cannon Mechanized Hammer Galvanic Katana Mechanized Ball Mechanized Knuckles Galvanized Nodachi Galvanized Crosier Mechanized Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 5300 15900 Rare Kingdom of Tantal 52 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#487 BTL_EnDropItem#19 BTL_EnDropItem#244 BTL_EnDropItem#450 BTL_EnDropItem#481
Booster Chip スチームパンク(カラバリ)4 18 Machine Slayer Machine Cleaver Ferrous Rings Supreme Destroyer Machine Busters Commando's Saber Nitro Whips The Ingot Optimized Scythes Admiral's Axe Stalk, Mecha-Spear Full Metal Cannon The Flattener Deus Ex Tachi Advanced Ball Thunderstrikers Deus Ex Nodachi Deus Ex Crosier Full-Metal Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 11700 35100 Legendary Empire of Mor Ardain 52 0 False
7 refs FLD_QuestReward#1067 FLD_QuestUse#138 ma08a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma08a_f005 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_c006 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f052_r MNU_ShopNormal#70 MNU_ShopNormal#116
Tri-Chip 古代1 8 Ancient Sword Ancient Scimitar Ancient Rings Ancient Shield Ancient Arms Ancient Saber Ancient Whips Ancient Edge Ancient Scythes Ancient Axe Ancient Lance Ancient Cannon Ancient Hammer Antique Tachi Ancient Ball Ancient Knuckles Unchanging Nodachi Antique Crosier Ancient Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 4200 12600 Common Gormott Province 52 0 False
5 refs FLD_QuestReward#77 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_c006 ma41a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma41a_f038_r2 MNU_ShopNormal#70 MNU_ShopNormal#116
Rhombus Chip 古代2 8 Elder Sword Elder Scimitar Elder Rings Elder Shield Elder Arms Elder Saber Elder Whips Elder Edge Elder Scythes Elder Axe Elder Lance Elder Cannon Elder Hammer Eternal Tachi Elder Ball Elder Knuckles Eternal Nodachi Eternal Crosier Elder Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 4200 12600 Common Gormott Province 52 0 False
17 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#107 BTL_EnDropItem#103 BTL_EnDropItem#109 BTL_EnDropItem#110 BTL_EnDropItem#111 BTL_EnDropItem#113 BTL_EnDropItem#358 BTL_EnDropItem#359 BTL_EnDropItem#360 BTL_EnDropItem#362 BTL_EnDropItem#478 FLD_QuestReward#76 FLD_QuestReward#109 FLD_QuestReward#1062 ma15a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma15a_f003 ma15a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma15a_f009 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_w004
Pentagon Chip 古代3 8 Blessed Sword Furtive Scimitar Rage of the Oceans Escutcheon of Athena Gauntlets of Lament Mystical Saber Whips of the Chariot Edge of the Mother Emperor Scythes Antique Greataxe Ancestral Lance Arcanum Cannon Faultless Mysterious Tachi Spirit Ball Mirage Knuckles Mysterious Nodachi Mysterious Crosier Arcane Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 4800 14400 Rare Gormott Province 52 0 False
4 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#488 BTL_EnDropItem#248 BTL_EnDropItem#453 FLD_QuestReward#121
Hexagon Chip 古代4 19 Legendary Sword Legendary Scimitar Legendary Rings Legendary Shield Legendary Arms Legendary Saber Legendary Whips Legendary Edge Legendary Scythes Legendary Axe Legendary Lance Legendary Cannon Legendary Hammer Legendary Tachi Legendary Ball Legendary Knuckles Legendary Nodachi Legendary Crosier Legendary Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 12600 37800 Legendary Gormott Province 0 0 False
11 refs BTL_EnDropItem#168 BTL_EnDropItem#173 BTL_EnDropItem#175 BTL_EnDropItem#397 BTL_EnDropItem#399 BTL_EnDropItem#470 FLD_QuestReward#112 FLD_QuestReward#1049 FLD_QuestUse#140 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_d010_r2 MNU_ShopNormal#96
Sphere Chip 古代(カラバリ)1 11 Agarthan Sword Agarthan Scimitar Agarthan Rings Agarthan Shield Agarthan Arms Agarthan Saber Agarthan Whips Agarthan Edge Agarthan Scythes Agarthan Axe Agarthan Lance Agarthan Cannon Agarthan Hammer Tectonic Katana Agarthan Ball Agarthan Knuckles Landmass Nodachi Landmass Crosier Agarthan Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 7600 22800 Common Indoline Praetorium 52 0 False
12 refs BTL_EnDropItem#170 BTL_EnDropItem#174 BTL_EnDropItem#176 BTL_EnDropItem#398 BTL_EnDropItem#400 BTL_EnDropItem#465 FLD_AddItem#92 FLD_QuestReward#127 ma16a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma16a_d008 ma17a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma17a_f003 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_d010_r2 MNU_ShopNormal#96
Cube Chip 古代(カラバリ)2 11 Sword of El Dorado Scimitar of El Dorado Rings of El Dorado Shield of El Dorado Arms of El Dorado Saber of El Dorado Whips of El Dorado Edge of El Dorado Scythes of El Dorado Axe of El Dorado Lance of El Dorado Cannon of El Dorado Hammer of El Dorado 24-Carat Tachi Ball of El Dorado Knuckles of El Dorado 24-Carat Nodachi 24-Carat Crosier Gunknives of El Dorado Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 7600 22800 Common Indoline Praetorium 53 0 False
8 refs BTL_EnDropItem#177 BTL_EnDropItem#178 BTL_EnDropItem#472 FLD_QuestReward#79 FLD_QuestReward#133 FLD_QuestReward#952 ma13a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma13a_f017 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_d010_r2
Polygon Chip 古代(カラバリ)3 11 Sword of Eden Scimitar of Eden Rings of Eden Shield of Eden Arms of Eden Saber of Eden Whips of Eden Edge of Eden Scythes of Eden Axe of Eden Lance of Eden Cannon of Eden Hammer of Eden Neverdull Tachi Ball of Eden Knuckles of Eden Neverdull Nodachi Neverdull Crosier Gunknives of Eden Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 7600 22800 Rare Temperantia 52 0 False
6 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#489 BTL_EnDropItem#28 BTL_EnDropItem#90 BTL_EnDropItem#249 BTL_EnDropItem#454 FLD_QuestReward#91
Spiral Chip 古代(カラバリ)4 19 King of Sharks The Kraken Marine Slayers Maelstrom Plate Doom of Atlantis Rifled Saber Avalon Just Oceanus Amazon's Scythes Sealed Hatchet Empress' Lance Gordian Cannon Nautilus Hammer Illusive Tachi Jewel of Yore Fists of the Advent Illusive Nodachi Illusive Crosier Gordian Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 12600 37800 Legendary Kingdom of Tantal 0 0 False
10 refs BTL_EnDropItem#128 BTL_EnDropItem#130 BTL_EnDropItem#135 BTL_EnDropItem#369 BTL_EnDropItem#371 BTL_EnDropItem#376 FLD_QuestReward#1042 FLD_QuestUse#139 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_f052_r_s MNU_ShopNormal#81
Lodranite Chip 抽象1 9 Adamant Sword Adamant Scimitar Adamant Rings Adamant Shield Adamant Arms Adamant Saber Adamant Whips Adamant Edge Adamant Scythes Adamant Axe Adamant Lance Adamant Cannon Adamant Hammer Tempered Katana Adamant Ball Adamant Knuckles Tempered Nodachi Tempered Crosier Adamant Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 5800 17400 Common Kingdom of Tantal 53 0 False
19 refs BTL_EnDropItem#58 BTL_EnDropItem#134 BTL_EnDropItem#136 BTL_EnDropItem#140 BTL_EnDropItem#142 BTL_EnDropItem#157 BTL_EnDropItem#158 BTL_EnDropItem#159 BTL_EnDropItem#375 BTL_EnDropItem#377 BTL_EnDropItem#381 BTL_EnDropItem#383 BTL_EnDropItem#386 BTL_EnDropItem#387 BTL_EnDropItem#388 FLD_QuestReward#961 FLD_QuestReward#1044 ma13a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma13a_f001 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_d002_r
Brachinite Chip 抽象2 9 Wootz Sword Wootz Scimitar Wootz Rings Wootz Shield Wootz Arms Wootz Saber Wootz Whips Wootz Edge Wootz Scythes Wootz Axe Wootz Lance Wootz Cannon Wootz Hammer Darksilver Tachi Wootz Ball Wootz Knuckles Darksilver Nodachi Darksilver Crosier Wootz Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 6200 18600 Common Kingdom of Tantal 53 0 False
15 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#170 BTL_EnDropItem#133 BTL_EnDropItem#137 BTL_EnDropItem#143 BTL_EnDropItem#147 BTL_EnDropItem#153 BTL_EnDropItem#378 BTL_EnDropItem#384 FLD_QuestReward#78 FLD_QuestReward#139 FLD_QuestReward#956 FLD_QuestReward#1029 FLD_QuestReward#1057 ma13a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma13a_f007 ma40a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma40a_d006_r
Ureilite Chip 抽象3 9 Energy Edge Assassin's Scimitar Rings of Serendipity Damascene Shield Most Wanted Ether Saber The Assessors Black Chronos Enigma Scythes Axe of Fortune The Phalanx Silent Gunner Infallible Rippling Tachi The Peacemaker Fists of Healing Rippling Nodachi Rippling Crosier Silenced Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 6200 18600 Rare Kingdom of Tantal 53 0 False
11 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#490 BTL_EnDropItem#20 BTL_EnDropItem#28 BTL_EnDropItem#115 BTL_EnDropItem#120 BTL_EnDropItem#253 BTL_EnDropItem#458 BTL_EnDropItem#459 BTL_EnDropItem#483 FLD_QuestReward#108 FLD_QuestReward#959
Winonaite Chip 抽象4 19 Orichalcum Sword Orichalcum Scimitar Orichalcum Rings Orichalcum Shield Orichalcum Arms Orichalcum Saber Orichalcum Whips Orichalcum Edge Orichalcum Scythes Orichalcum Axe Orichalcum Lance Orichalcum Cannon Orichalcum Hammer Unbreakable Katana Orichalcum Ball Orichalcum Knuckles Unbreakable Nodachi Unbreakable Crosier Orichalcum Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13100 39300 Legendary Kingdom of Uraya Temperantia 52 0 False
5 refs BTL_EnDropItem#182 BTL_EnDropItem#184 BTL_EnDropItem#402 FLD_QuestReward#34 MNU_ShopNormal#96
Nakhlite Chip 抽象(カラバリ)1 12 Sigma Sword Sigma Scimitar Sigma Rings Sigma Shield Sigma Arms Sigma Saber Sigma Whips Sigma Edge Sigma Scythes Sigma Axe Sigma Lance Sigma Cannon Sigma Hammer Zero Tachi Sigma Ball Sigma Knuckles Zero Nodachi Zero Crosier Sigma Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 7600 22800 Common Land of Morytha 0 0 False
6 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#226 BTL_EnDropItem#183 BTL_EnDropItem#185 BTL_EnDropItem#403 FLD_QuestReward#101 FLD_QuestReward#948
Howardite Chip 抽象(カラバリ)2 12 Delta Sword Delta Scimitar Delta Rings Delta Shield Delta Arms Delta Saber Delta Whips Delta Edge Delta Scythes Delta Axe Delta Lance Delta Cannon Delta Hammer Zetsu Delta Ball Delta Knuckles Rupture Crosier of Decay Delta Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8300 24900 Common Land of Morytha 0 0 False
9 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#227 BTL_EnDropItem#155 BTL_EnDropItem#179 BTL_EnDropItem#186 BTL_EnDropItem#404 FLD_QuestReward#104 FLD_QuestReward#957 FLD_QuestReward#962 ma16a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma16a_d006
Aubrite Chip 抽象(カラバリ)3 12 Godspeed Sword Energy Scimitar Invisible Rings Legionnaire's Shield Terminal Velocity Sanguine Saber Whips of Celerity Barghest's Claw Dark Order Truestrike Axe Nuclear Lance The Longstone Growler Half-Full Dimensional Katana Cypher Lambda Knuckles Eschaton Dimensional Crosier Tristán e Isolda Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8300 24900 Rare Land of Morytha 0 0 False
7 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#491 BTL_EnDropItem#28 BTL_EnDropItem#60 BTL_EnDropItem#92 BTL_EnDropItem#254 FLD_QuestReward#102 FLD_QuestReward#963
Angrite Chip 抽象(カラバリ)4 19 Saintslayer Brand Seraphsbane Deity Erasers Saintslayer Pavise Deserved Retribution Creation Eater Ascension Denied Sainthunter Titan Gutters Mythical Greataxe Vindicator Cannon of Babel Traitor to the Cause The Empty Sky Omega Ball Spirits of the Knife The Void Heaven's Dome Speakers in Tongues Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 12600 37800 Legendary Kingdom of Uraya Temperantia 0 0 False
12 refs BTL_EnDropItem#188 BTL_EnDropItem#190 BTL_EnDropItem#191 BTL_EnDropItem#194 BTL_EnDropItem#195 BTL_EnDropItem#405 BTL_EnDropItem#406 BTL_EnDropItem#409 BTL_EnDropItem#410 ma20a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma20a_d002 ma20a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma20a_d011 MNU_ShopNormal#96
Dark Matter Chip ギーガ1 13 Sword of Despair Scimitar of Despair Rings of Despair Shield of Despair Arms of Despair Saber of Despair Whips of Despair Edge of Despair Scythes of Despair Axe of Despair Lance of Despair Cannon of Despair Hammer of Despair Katana of Lost Hopes Ball of Despair Knuckles of Despair Nodachi of Lost Hopes Crosier of Lost Hopes Gunknives of Despair Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8200 24600 Common World Tree 0 0 False
11 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#228 BTL_EnDropItem#119 BTL_EnDropItem#193 BTL_EnDropItem#194 BTL_EnDropItem#198 BTL_EnDropItem#408 BTL_EnDropItem#409 BTL_EnDropItem#413 ma18a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma18a_f002 ma20a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma20a_d006 ma20a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma20a_d012
Axion Chip ギーガ2 13 Sword of Chaos Scimitar of Chaos Rings of Chaos Shield of Chaos Arms of Chaos Saber of Chaos Whips of Chaos Edge of Chaos Scythes of Chaos Axe of Chaos Lance of Chaos Cannon of Chaos Hammer of Chaos Katana of Chaos Ball of Chaos Knuckles of Chaos Nodachi of Chaos Crosier of Chaos Gunknives of Chaos Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8200 24600 Common World Tree 0 0 False
12 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#229 BTL_EnDropItem#114 BTL_EnDropItem#189 BTL_EnDropItem#197 BTL_EnDropItem#199 BTL_EnDropItem#363 BTL_EnDropItem#412 BTL_EnDropItem#414 FLD_QuestReward#128 ma18a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma18a_f003 ma18a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma18a_f006 ma20a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma20a_d014
Mirror Matter Chip ギーガ3 13 Mutinous Sword Supersonic Scimitar Rings of the Kingslayer Thundercrash Shield Insatiable Gauntlets Barbatos, the Durable Belial's Whips Apocalypse Inferno Reactionary Axe Vampiric Lance Spectral Cannon Demon's Hoof Katana of Demise Public Enemy No. 1 Hands of Ruin Nodachi of Demise Crosier of Demise Spectral Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8200 24600 Rare World Tree 0 0 False
4 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#546 BTL_EnDropItem#121 BTL_EnDropItem#482 ma10a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma10a_f004
Shining Star Chip ギーガ(カラバリ)1 20 Sword of Thanatos Scimitar of Thanatos Rings of Thanatos Shield of Thanatos Arms of Thanatos Saber of Thanatos Whips of Thanatos Edge of Thanatos Scythes of Thanatos Axe of Thanatos Lance of Thanatos Cannon of Thanatos Hammer of Thanatos Katana of Slaughter Ball of Thanatos Knuckles of Thanatos Ogre's Nodachi Crosier of Dusking Gunknives of Thanatos Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13500 40500 Legendary Temperantia 52 0 False
3 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#547 BTL_EnDropItem#151 BTL_EnDropItem#482
Moon Matter Chip ギーガ(カラバリ)2 20 Sword of Banishing Scimitar of Banishing Rings of Banishing Shield of Banishing Arms of Banishing Saber of Banishing Whips of Banishing Edge of Banishing Scythes of Banishing Axe of Banishing Lance of Banishing Cannon of Banishing Hammer of Banishing Exorcist's Katana Ball of Banishing Knuckles of Banishing Exorcist's Nodachi Exorcist's Crosier Gunknives of Banishing Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13500 40500 Legendary Kingdom of Tantal 52 0 False
3 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#548 BTL_EnDropItem#219 BTL_EnDropItem#482
Sunlight Chip ギーガ(カラバリ)3 20 Eater of Souls The Trickster Specters Nemesis Shield Arms of Hermes Metatron's Saber Dominion Rightful Payback The Grim Reapers Ruinous Hatchet Warhead The Ashen Horse The Lidless Eye Wisdom's Cradle Morningstar Ascending Sacrifice Devouring Nodachi Enlightened Crosier The Nighthawks Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13500 40500 Legendary World Tree 52 0 False
8 refs BTL_EnDropItem#200 BTL_EnDropItem#205 BTL_EnDropItem#217 BTL_EnDropItem#415 BTL_EnDropItem#420 FLD_QuestUse#137 ma21a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma21a_d001 MNU_ShopNormal#96
Photon Chip 最終1 14 Sword of Origin Scimitar of Origin Rings of Origin Shield of Origin Arms of Origin Saber of Origin Whips of Origin Edge of Origin Scythes of Origin Axe of Origin Lance of Origin Cannon of Origin Hammer of Origin Original Tachi Ball of Origin Knuckles of Origin Original Nodachi Original Crosier Gunknives of Origin Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8200 24600 Rare World Tree 0 0 False
9 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#288 BTL_EnDropItem#201 BTL_EnDropItem#207 BTL_EnDropItem#216 BTL_EnDropItem#416 BTL_EnDropItem#422 FLD_QuestReward#149 ma21a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma21a_d002 ma21a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma21a_d012
Positron Chip 最終2 14 Eternal Sword Eternal Scimitar Eternal Rings Eternal Shield Eternal Arms Eternal Saber Eternal Whips Eternal Edge Eternal Scythes Eternal Axe Eternal Lance Eternal Cannon Eternal Hammer Tachi of Forever Eternal Ball Eternal Knuckles Nodachi of Forever Crosier of Forever Eternal Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8200 24600 Rare World Tree 0 0 False
11 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#355 BTL_EnDropItem#202 BTL_EnDropItem#208 BTL_EnDropItem#210 BTL_EnDropItem#218 BTL_EnDropItem#417 BTL_EnDropItem#423 BTL_EnDropItem#425 FLD_QuestReward#148 FLD_QuestReward#953 ma21a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma21a_d013
Hadron Chip 最終3 14 Final Sword Final Scimitar Final Rings Final Shield Final Arms Final Saber Final Whips Final Edge Final Scythes Final Axe Final Lance Final Cannon Final Hammer All That Is Final Ball Final Knuckles All That Was All That Will Be Final Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 8200 24600 Rare World Tree 0 0 False
5 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#549 BTL_EnDropItem#482 FLD_QuestReward#967 FLD_QuestReward#1204 ma20a_FLD_TboxPop#tbox_ma20a_d010
Dilaton Chip 最終(カラバリ)1 20 Satellite Sword Satellite Scimitar Satellite Rings Satellite Shield Satellite Arms Satellite Saber Satellite Whips Satellite Edge Satellite Scythes Satellite Axe Satellite Lance Satellite Cannon Satellite Hammer Celestial Tachi Satellite Ball Satellite Knuckles Celestial Nodachi Celestial Crosier Satellite Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13500 40500 Legendary Cliffs of Morytha 52 0 False
3 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#550 BTL_EnDropItem#93 FLD_QuestReward#1030
Preon Chip 最終(カラバリ)2 20 Meteorite Sword Meteorite Scimitar Meteorite Rings Meteorite Shield Meteorite Arms Meteorite Saber Meteorite Whips Meteorite Edge Meteorite Scythes Meteorite Axe Meteorite Lance Meteorite Cannon Meteorite Hammer Shooting Star Katana Meteorite Ball Meteorite Knuckles Shooting Star Nodachi Shooting Star Crosier Meteorite Gunknives Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13500 40500 Legendary Empire of Mor Ardain 0 0 False
2 refs BTL_ChBtlRewardItem#551 BTL_EnDropItem#117
Tachyon Chip 最終(カラバリ)3 20 Shooting Star Scimitar of Creation Transmigration Cosmic Impact Gigantomachy Ultima Ratio The Dreadnoughts Bigger Bang Spendthrift Knight Galaxy Dusking Extinction Event Regurgitator Graviton Smasher Andromeda Eclipse of Reason The First Principle Peerless Light Everlasting Event Horizon Monado Well-Used Blades Archetype Ralzes Halteclere 13500 40500 Legendary Temperantia 0 0 False