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1 bf10380100_0010 82 Words can be a curse.
2 bf10380100_0020 82 That curse was what kept him tied down here.
3 bf10380100_0030 82 A wretched tale, isn't it?
4 bf10380100_0040 82 This whole world is a wretched place!
5 bf10380100_0050 82 Do not forget that you too are a part of that world.
6 bf10380100_0060 82 If it were not for you, for Amalthus...
7 bf10380100_0070 82 Both Jin and Lora's lives may have taken quite different paths.
8 bf10380100_0080 82 Exactly! That's exactly it!
9 bf10380100_0090 82 You've gotten smarter with age, huh?
10 bf10380100_0100 82 I'm a wretched being too! A hideous monster, far beyond saving!
11 bf10380100_0110 82 ...So let's end this now.
12 bf10380100_0120 82 Don't you feel anything?
13 bf10380100_0130 82 Father's sadness? The world he longed for?!
14 bf10380100_0140 82 How could I?
15 bf10380100_0150 82 That isn't...
16 bf10380100_0152 82 my role in this world.
17 bf10380100_0160 82 This man... Does he mean to...?!
18 bf10380100_0170 82 Come at me, kid! Come, my partner!
19 bf10380100_0180 82 Give me all you've got...
20 bf10380100_0190 82 You better show me all of it!
21 bf10380100_0200 82 The extent of your will!
22 bf10380100_0210 82 Show me why you're here in this world!