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1 bf10210100_0005 82 [ML:undisp ]ADLIB
2 bf10210100_0010 82 Welcome back!
3 bf10210100_0020 82 You're late, Rex! Where did you wander off to?
4 bf10210100_0030 82 Pyra, Mythra...
5 bf10210100_0040 82 Come on, let's go ahead and eat.
6 bf10210100_0050 82 I've cooked up a whole bunch of your favorites, I hope you've got room!
7 bf10210100_0060 82 Well, eat up!
8 bf10210100_0062 82 Which kind of bread do you want?
9 bf10210100_0070 82 Oh, ah, um... Maybe this and this-
10 bf10210100_0080 82 There you go.
11 bf10210100_0090 82 Th-thanks...
12 bf10210100_0100 82 Hey, do you want some wine?
13 bf10210100_0110 82 Oops, you're too young. Silly me!
14 bf10210100_0120 82 Mythra, has something happened?
15 bf10210100_0130 82 Whaddya mean?
16 bf10210100_0140 82 It's just, you're a lot nicer than normal...
17 bf10210100_0150 82 Stop it! I'm always nice to you, aren't I?
18 bf10210100_0160 82 If...if you say so...?
19 bf10210100_0170 82 Hey!
20 bf10210100_0172 82 Rex, come on!
21 bf10210100_0180 82 How can you sit down to eat without washing your hands first? That's a faux pas!
22 bf10210100_0200 82 Go wash your hands right now!
23 bf10210100_0210 82 I, um... Sorry...
24 bf10210100_0220 82 You're acting almost like Mythra today, Pyra...
25 bf10210100_0230 82 Did you scrub them properly?
26 bf10210100_0240 82 Yeah, they're clean.
27 bf10210100_0250 82 Great! OK then, let's eat!
28 bf10210100_0260 82 Thanks for the food!
29 bf10210100_0270 82 Uhm...It looks really good...
30 bf10210100_0280 82 Tastes even better!
31 bf10210100_0290 82 Of course it does!
32 bf10210100_0292 82 After all, I made it myself.
33 bf10210100_0300 82 Maybe I'll try my hand next time.
34 bf10210100_0310 82 Mythra, no. You know how that always ends.
35 bf10210100_0320 82 But carbon's good for you!
36 bf10210100_0330 82 Anyway, I wanna do something nice for Rex too!
37 bf10210100_0340 82 No cooking! Who's gonna save the world if Rex gets the runs?
38 bf10210100_0350 82 You're so mean... It was only that one time!
39 bf10210100_0360 82 Um, it's OK, you two.
40 bf10210100_0370 82 I don't care who cooks, I'm just happy we're...
41 bf10210100_0380 82 Happy we're...
42 bf10210100_0385 82 [ML:undisp ]ADLIB
43 bf10210100_0390 82 Rex...
44 bf10210100_0400 82 It's so strange...
45 bf10210100_0410 82 I don't even know what I'm doing here any more...
46 bf10210100_0420 82 Everyone's all wrong... They all said I...
47 bf10210100_0430 82 But two...
48 bf10210100_0440 82 Did...did I go wrong somewhere...?
49 bf10210100_0450 82 I think...that's enough.
50 bf10210100_0452 82 Please, Father?