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1 bf07060100_0010 82 Rex-Rex still sleeping? It two days now.
2 bf07060100_0020 82 His injuries were quite severe.
3 bf07060100_0030 82 The worst is over, but his body needs time to recover.
4 bf07060100_0040 82 He'd better get well soon, or-
5 bf07060100_0050 82 Rex?!
6 bf07060100_0060 82 What's that?
7 bf07060100_0070 82 I'm leaving.
8 bf07060100_0080 82 But...where will you go?
9 bf07060100_0090 82 Good question.
10 bf07060100_0095 82 Can't live on Gramps anymore.
11 bf07060100_0100 82 Maybe I'll head for Argentum.
12 bf07060100_0110 82 Rex, you-
13 bf07060100_0120 82 What the hell are you talking about, Argentum?
14 bf07060100_0130 82 What about Pyra? Do you know how desperate the situation is?
15 bf07060100_0140 82 Or have you finally lost it, you idiot?
16 bf07060100_0150 82 I know, OK? It's just...
17 bf07060100_0160 82 Just what?
18 bf07060100_0170 82 I'm done.
19 bf07060100_0180 82 Done?
20 bf07060100_0190 82 When I became the Driver of the Aegis, her Driver...
21 bf07060100_0200 82 I felt like I could do anything.
22 bf07060100_0210 82 But I was just kidding myself.
23 bf07060100_0220 82 All I've managed to do is hurt her, again and again.
24 bf07060100_0230 82 So...I'm done.
25 bf07060100_0240 82 Oh for crying out loud, Rex! She got herself caught to save you!
26 bf07060100_0250 82 I know!
27 bf07060100_0255 82 So what?
28 bf07060100_0260 82 SO WHAT?!
29 bf07060100_0270 82 Those guys are way out of my league. I can't beat them. It's hopeless.
30 bf07060100_0280 82 I understand that now.
31 bf07060100_0290 82 She'll be safe with them. They're not going to hurt her like I do.
32 bf07060100_0300 82 So I'm leaving.
33 bf07060100_0310 82 Grr...
34 bf07060100_0320 82 I've just been kidding myself all along. Me, a Driver?
35 bf07060100_0330 82 In the end, salvaging is all-
36 bf07060100_0340 82 You...bloody...
37 bf07060100_0342 82 IDIOT!
38 bf07060100_0345 82 [ML:undisp ]ADLIB
39 bf07060100_0350 82 Hurts, yeah?
40 bf07060100_0360 82 But that pain's nothing compared to what Pyra must be feeling right now!
41 bf07060100_0370 82 She went with those bastards knowing full well how much it would hurt.
42 bf07060100_0380 82 For our sake, not hers!
43 bf07060100_0390 82 I get it! I know!
44 bf07060100_0400 82 But what do you want me to do?
45 bf07060100_0405 82 I couldn't even slow him down!
46 bf07060100_0410 82 Even the Artifice's attack couldn't touch him. What chance do I have against a guy like that?
47 bf07060100_0420 82 The more I fight, the more Pyra gets hurt.
48 bf07060100_0430 82 She'll be...
49 bf07060100_0432 82 better off without me by her side.
50 bf07060100_0440 82 [ML:undisp]
51 bf07060100_0450 82 Do you actually mean that?
52 bf07060100_0460 82 Do you not have the slightest idea how it felt for her to leave you?
53 bf07060100_0470 82 With me here...he'll suffer even more, lose even more.
54 bf07060100_0480 82 So maybe... Maybe Rex is better off without me. Rex...and the whole world. They don't need me.
55 bf07060100_0490 82 That's just how it feels.