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1 bf05410100_0010 82 How awful...
2 bf05410100_0020 82 Hmm... They didn't stand a chance.
3 bf05410100_0030 82 Look! Over there!
4 bf05410100_0040 82 Watch out, here it comes!
5 bf05410100_0050 82 Aaargh!
6 bf05410100_0060 82 Ungh! Everyone OK?
7 bf05410100_0070 82 Just about, I think.
8 bf05410100_0080 82 We have to stop it!
9 bf05410100_0090 82 How do we do that?!
10 bf05410100_0110 82 On its back, there's an Ardainian drive mechanism.
11 bf05410100_0120 82 If we can somehow sever the cables connecting it to each leg,
12 bf05410100_0130 82 its energy supply will be cut off. It'll stop.
13 bf05410100_0140 82 Lady Mythra, I presume you'll be able to destroy them?
14 bf05410100_0150 82 Good plan!
15 bf05410100_0160 82 Sure. That sounds like a feasible measure...
16 bf05410100_0170 82 That is, if we don't mind reducing the whole area to ashes.
17 bf05410100_0180 82 What do you mean?
18 bf05410100_0190 82 I read instruction manuals. It's my job to know these things.
19 bf05410100_0200 82 The weapon is powered by vaporized Titan bodily fluids.
20 bf05410100_0210 82 The gas it makes is completely unstable. The slightest shock and we have a giant explosion on our hands.
21 bf05410100_0220 82 There accident here just three months ago because we didn't see how unstable it was.
22 bf05410100_0230 82 If we'd just attacked without realizing that...
23 bf05410100_0240 82 Argh, dammit!
24 bf05410100_0250 82 Why make a weapon that dangerous?
25 bf05410100_0260 82 As long as we got the weapon inside enemy lines, destroying the weapon would destroy them too.
26 bf05410100_0270 82 That was the justification given.
27 bf05410100_0280 82 That's so cold it's almost impressive.
28 bf05410100_0290 82 That's exactly why the Emperor called a halt to the excavation.
29 bf05410100_0300 82 Can't we get at the people on board?
30 bf05410100_0310 82 The control center is protected by ten layers of armor.
31 bf05410100_0320 82 The chances of it being breached or destroyed are low.
32 bf05410100_0330 82 But...that armor is limited. It doesn't entirely cover the energy cables.
33 bf05410100_0340 82's them or nothing.
34 bf05410100_0350 82 How we get up on Titan's back?
35 bf05410100_0360 82 Up ahead - there's a spot where the cliff juts out.
36 bf05410100_0370 82 If we can get up there, we'll be able to jump onto its back.
37 bf05410100_0380 82 But if our timing's off, we go headfirst down to the bottom of the cliff?
38 bf05410100_0390 82 And we'd have to make it across avoiding its attacks all the while.
39 bf05410100_0400 82 I'll take care of it.
40 bf05410100_0410 82 Fan?
41 bf05410100_0420 82 I mean, I'll stop the Titan moving. While it's stopped, you all jump onto its back.
42 bf05410100_0430 82 Fan, you...
43 bf05410100_0440 82 All right, then! But you'd better be careful!
44 bf05410100_0450 82 Don't worry, I will.
45 bf05410100_0460 82 Then let's go!