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1 bf04390150_0010 82 Patroka! Mikhail!
2 bf04390150_0020 82 Hm? Oh, if it isn't Nia. Akhos did mention you had turned traitor.
3 bf04390150_0030 82 Nia know these people?!
4 bf04390150_0040 82 They're Drivers from Torna.
5 bf04390150_0050 82 Of all the lowlifes Bana could have made a deal with...
6 bf04390150_0060 82 Lowlifes? Coming from the traitorous rookie? You should watch your words...
7 bf04390150_0070 82 Don't mind her, Patroka. Not when we are standing before the Aegis herself!
8 bf04390150_0080 82 Ah, truly the heavens must have blessed us that we-
9 bf04390150_0085 82 Buerghh!
10 bf04390150_0090 82 Mik... Please, shut up.
11 bf04390150_0100 82 'Kay...
12 bf04390150_0110 82 The traitor, we kill. The Aegis, we retrieve. Got it?
13 bf04390150_0120 82 It's a pain, but that's the mission.
14 bf04390150_0130 82 Roger...
15 bf04390150_0140 82 Mythra and Nia... They are my friends and comrades.
16 bf04390150_0145 82 I'm not letting you touch them!