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1 bf04390100_0010 82 Meh-meh-meh! You very persistent!
2 bf04390100_0020 82 You need to learn when to quit!
3 bf04390100_0030 82 Stop producing artificial Blades!
4 bf04390100_0040 82 You used Grampypon's research for evil long enough!
5 bf04390100_0050 82 B-but that would mean financial disaster!
6 bf04390100_0060 82 How much you think I poured into this endeavor?!
7 bf04390100_0070 82 Oh, OK. We'll just hand you over to the Imperial Army, then.
8 bf04390100_0080 82 They'll be really interested in all the stuff you had Lila doing.
9 bf04390100_0090 82 And I bet that's not all they could dig up on you, is it?
10 bf04390100_0095 82 Urk...
11 bf04390100_0100 82 Rex...
12 bf04390100_0105 82 I never had you down as such a conniving boy.
13 bf04390100_0110 82 Me? Look who's talking!
14 bf04390100_0120 82 All right. I stop production of artificial Blades.
15 bf04390100_0130 82 That Nopon is still of use to us... Do you really have to interfere?