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1 bf03260100_0010 82 Ha ha ha! Looks like all the chat about the Aegis was true!
2 bf03260100_0020 82 Who're you?
3 bf03260100_0030 82 That's a heavy burden you have there. Sure you're up to it, pipsqueak?
4 bf03260100_0040 82 See sense, step aside and let the big boys take charge.
5 bf03260100_0050 82 C'mon. Yield the merchandise!
6 bf03260100_0060 82 Huh? What? Vandham, do you know this guy?
7 bf03260100_0070 82 Never seen him in my life.
8 bf03260100_0080 82 Bah!
9 bf03260100_0085 82 !
10 bf03260100_0090 82 Wait...are you...
11 bf03260100_0095 82 Heh.
12 bf03260100_0100 82 ...Uh...
13 bf03260100_0105 82 [ML:undisp ]ADLIB
14 bf03260100_0110 82 You really are a bunch of rinky-dink, bogus, two-bit, no-mark Drivers, aren't you?
15 bf03260100_0120 82 Behold the mighty...
16 bf03260100_0122 82 Zeke!
17 bf03260100_0124 82 Von!
18 bf03260100_0126 82 Genbu!
19 bf03260100_0128 82 Bringer of Chaos!
20 bf03260100_0130 82 Mostly known as Zeke. And often addressed as...THE ZEKENATOR!
21 bf03260100_0140 82 Behold my Blade! Pandoria!
22 bf03260100_0150 82 And this is my sword, the Purple Lightning Dreamsmasher! If you want a taste, come and get it!
23 bf03260100_0160 82 We're good.
24 bf03260100_0170 82 Good?! No?!
25 bf03260100_0172 82 W-wait...
26 bf03260100_0175 82 Wait! You barbarians!
27 bf03260100_0180 82 This guy... I'm tired of him already.
28 bf03260100_0190 82 Gah! You think you lowlifes can lick the three of us?
29 bf03260100_0200 82 Three of you? I count two. Lost someone?
30 bf03260100_0210 82 Huh? Oh, get a load of this...
31 bf03260100_0220 82 Our beloved mascot...
32 bf03260100_0222 82 Turters, reveal yourself!
33 bf03260100_0230 82 ...Huh? Turters? Turters?! Turters, where are you, boy?
34 bf03260100_0240 82 Turterrrrs!
35 bf03260100_0250 82 Oh!
36 bf03260100_0252 82 Hello, little guy! How are you? What are you doing, out here all alone...?
37 bf03260100_0260 82 Ah-ah-ah! Turters!
38 bf03260100_0270 82 Handling a man's turtle!
39 bf03260100_0280 82 ...He could have just grabbed Pyra there. Why'd he go for his turtle instead...?
40 bf03260100_0290 82 Ugh. What an idiot.
41 bf03260100_0295 82 Gah...!
42 bf03260100_0300 82 Listen, whatever.
43 bf03260100_0302 82 She'll be mine soon enough!
44 bf03260100_0310 82 Got a problem with that? Then come at me! And don't hold back!
45 bf03260100_0320 82 What! Is this guy for real?