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1 bf01280100_0010 82 Nia. End them.
2 bf01280100_0020 82 End? Like, what?
3 bf01280100_0030 82 The price for their lives has already been paid in full.
4 bf01280100_0040 82 Now that we have finally obtained the Aegis...
5 bf01280100_0050 82 The fewer living souls know about it, the better.
6 bf01280100_0060 82 I-I can't do that! These people haven't done anything wrong!
7 bf01280100_0070 82 I don't understand you.
8 bf01280100_0080 82 Now, now. Have you forgotten why you came here to begin with, Nia?
9 bf01280100_0090 82 N-no, but...
10 bf01280100_0100 82 Oh, for the love of...
11 bf01280100_0105 82 Fine. I'll handle it myself.
12 bf01280100_0110 82 Uck..! What the...?!
13 bf01280100_0120 82 Aaaaiyah!!!
14 bf01280100_0130 82 [ML:undisp ]*Pant* *pant* *pant*
15 bf01280100_0140 82 Rex?!
16 bf01280100_0150 82 You! And that sword. Can't be!
17 bf01280100_0160 82 It's kinda low to stab a man in the back...
18 bf01280100_0170 82 You bloody psychopath!
19 bf01280100_0180 82 Pyra!
20 bf01280100_0190 82 Here!
21 bf01280100_0200 82 Cover me!
22 bf01280100_0210 82 Got it!
23 bf01280100_0220 82 Jin. Leave 'em to me.
24 bf01280100_0230 82 Hngh-!
25 bf01280100_0240 82 Gah!!!
26 bf01280100_0250 82 Sorry, kid.
27 bf01280100_0260 82 I can't let the likes of you just claim her power for yourself.
28 bf01280100_0270 82 This is as far as it goes.
29 bf01280100_0275 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
30 bf01280100_0277 82 Aegis! Over here!
31 bf01280100_0280 82 Just leave it out!
32 bf01280100_0290 82 Give it a rest, Malos! Can't you see he's just a child?!
33 bf01280100_0300 82 A child? Don't make me laugh!
34 bf01280100_0310 82 This kid...
35 bf01280100_0313 82 [ML:undisp ]TAKES DAMAGE
36 bf01280100_0315 82 has made himself the Aegis's Driver!
37 bf01280100_0317 82 [ML:undisp ]TAKES DAMAGE
38 bf01280100_0320 82 The Aegis's...Driver? Rex is...?
39 bf01280100_0321 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
40 bf01280100_0322 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
41 bf01280100_0323 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
42 bf01280100_0324 82 [ML:undisp ]TAKES DAMAGE
43 bf01280100_0325 82 [ML:undisp ]DERISIVE SNORT
44 bf01280100_0326 82 You're done!
45 bf01280100_0327 82 [ML:undisp ]REGRETFUL NOISE
46 bf01280100_0340 82 Thanks, Pyra!
47 bf01280100_0350 82 You're welcome. Now, don't let up!
48 bf01280100_0360 82 Yeah!
49 bf01280100_0362 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
50 bf01280100_0363 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
51 bf01280100_0370 82 Everybody, go, now! Quick!
52 bf01280100_0373 82 [ML:undisp ]ATTACK NOISE
53 bf01280100_0375 82 Malos!
54 bf01280100_0377 82 Here!
55 bf01280100_0380 82 I don't think so!
56 bf01280100_0390 82 Hey, you bully! Over here!
57 bf01280100_0400 82 Ngh-!
58 bf01280100_0410 82 Burning Sword!!!
59 bf01280100_0420 82 You brat.
60 bf01280100_0430 82 How can a nobody like you...?!
61 bf01280100_0440 82 ...Ah, but with those eyes...
62 bf01280100_0442 82 I guess I should've been more wary from the start...
63 bf01280100_0450 82 What d'you mean?!
64 bf01280100_0460 82 Like I'd tell you!