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1 148 There is a troop of Mechon waiting at the Storage[XENO:n ] Depot! Defeat the leader and reduce their attack[XENO:n ] power.
2 138 Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Beautiful Vagul[/System:Color ] in the Storage Depot.
3 138 You defeated the Mechon troop leader and[XENO:n ] reduced their attack power.
4 148 You discover Mechon waiting when you enter the[XENO:n ] factory. Break through the enemy!
5 138 Defeat the [System:Color name=item ]M96 Crisis Unit[/System:Color ] in the Mechon[XENO:n ] Factory.
6 138 Defeat 2 [System:Color name=item ]Crisis Response Units[/System:Color ] in the Mechon[XENO:n ] Factory.
7 138 You crushed the enemy and forced your way[XENO:n ] through.
8 148 There is a Mechon stationed on the roof![XENO:n ] Defeat the troop leader.
9 138 Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Venerable Focalor[/System:Color ] on the Training[XENO:n ] Ground Roof.
10 138 You defeated the Mechon troop leader and[XENO:n ] reduced the Mechon's attack power.
11 148 It looks like the Weapon Creation Panel in the Central[XENO:n ] Factory will be able to make Fiora a new weapon.[XENO:n ] Use the materials and make a weapon.
12 138 Use the Weapon Creation Machine in the[XENO:n ] Control Tower of the Central Factory.
13 138 You made a weapon for Fiora.
14 148 The lift to the Central Tower doesn't seem to work.[XENO:n ] Find an alternative route.
15 138 Go to Maintenance Entrance 1.
16 138 It looks like you can get to the upper levels if[XENO:n ] you use the lift in the Maintenance Wing.
17 148 The path from the Maintenance Wing to the lift is[XENO:n ] blocked by an electrical barrier. Release the barrier[XENO:n ] and find a way to the lift.
18 138 Use the Barrier Control Panel to release the[XENO:n ] electrical barrier.
19 138 You released the electrical barrier in the[XENO:n ] Maintenance Wing.
20 148 The lift to the top floor is blocked, but you should be[XENO:n ] able to get to the upper levels through the Mechon[XENO:n ] factory.
21 138 Find a way to infiltrate the Mechon Factory.
22 138 Collect materials for the bomb.
23 138 Use the Weapon Creation Panel in the[XENO:n ] Maintenance Wing to make a bomb.
24 138 Use the bomb to blast open the vent.
25 138 You blasted the vent open and you can now[XENO:n ] enter the Mechon Factory.
26 148 It seems there is a way to the Mechon Factory through[XENO:n ] the vent. You will need a bomb to blast it open. Collect[XENO:n ] bomb components from Mechon on the second floor.
27 138 Collect an [System:Color name=item ]Electrical Fuse[/System:Color ] from the M88[XENO:n ] Watchtower guarding the Main Factory Gate.
28 138 Collect an [System:Color name=item ]Ether Explosive[/System:Color ] from the M97[XENO:n ] Commander in the Large Mechon Store.
29 138 Collect a [System:Color name=item ]Timer[/System:Color ] from a flying Mechon in the[XENO:n ] central container storeroom.
30 138 You have collected the materials to use the[XENO:n ] Weapon Creation Panel and make a bomb.
31 148 Your way is blocked by an electrical barrier. Turn off[XENO:n ] the electrical barrier and head to the top of the tower.
32 138 Turn off the electrical barrier.
33 138 Reach the peak of the tower.
34 138 You have arrived at the transporter to the capital.