1 |
148 |
Bozatrox wants to make some boots for you as a[XENO:n ]
thank you, but she doesn't have enough materials.[XENO:n ]
Collect what she needs to make some strong boots. |
2 |
138 |
Collect 2 [System:Color name=item ]Reinforced Jets[/System:Color] from Mechon carrying[XENO:n ]
swords and shields on Mechonis Field. |
3 |
138 |
Collect 2 [System:Color name=item ]Reinforced Plungers[/System:Color] from large bipedal[XENO:n ]
Mechon in Mechonis Field. |
4 |
138 |
Return to Bozatrox. |
5 |
138 |
You helped Bozatrox make the boots. She's[XENO:n ]
thinking about a future with Zarkort. |
6 |
148 |
Repel the enemies that threaten the safety of the[XENO:n ]
Machina and Hidden Village. |
7 |
138 |
Defeat 3 [System:Color name=item ]M66/TRICK[/System:Color] Mechon in Mechonis Field. |
8 |
138 |
You completed the Garrisoned Troop's request[XENO:n ]
and made Hidden Village safer. |
9 |
148 |
Repel the enemy that threatens the safety of the[XENO:n ]
Machina and Hidden Village. |
10 |
138 |
Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Revolutionary Bifrons[/System:Color] near Power Supply[XENO:n ]
Area 1 in Mechonis Field. |
11 |
138 |
You completed the Garrisoned Troop's request[XENO:n ]
and made Hidden Village safer. |
12 |
148 |
Repel the enemy that threatens the safety of the[XENO:n ]
Machina and Hidden Village. |
13 |
138 |
Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Infernal Crocell[/System:Color] near Power Supply Area 2[XENO:n ]
in Mechonis Field. |
14 |
138 |
You completed the Garrisoned Troop's request[XENO:n ]
and made Hidden Village safer. |
15 |
148 |
You want to go to the top level of Mechonis Field but[XENO:n ]
there is no power to the lift. Use the Master Power[XENO:n ]
Panel to get the lift working again. |
16 |
138 |
Use the GF Master Power Panel to start[XENO:n ]
the 2nd Lift. |
17 |
138 |
You can use the 2nd Lift to get to the first floor. |
18 |
148 |
Connect the power plug to start the 3rd Lift. |
19 |
138 |
Use the 1F Master Power Panel to get the[XENO:n ]
Cylinder Activation Panel on the floor working. |
20 |
138 |
Use the Cylinder Activation Panel to get the[XENO:n ]
cylinder working. |
21 |
138 |
Use the 3rd Lift Activation Panel in the 3rd Lift[XENO:n ]
Engine Room to connect the power plug. |
22 |
138 |
You connected the power plug and the 3rd[XENO:n ]
Lift is working now. |
23 |
148 |
Release the Bulkhead to get outside and continue[XENO:n ]
your journey to the upper levels of Mechonis Field. |
24 |
138 |
Use the 3F Master Power Panel to get the[XENO:n ]
Bulkhead Control Panel working. |
25 |
138 |
Use the Bulkhead Control Panel to release[XENO:n ]
the Bulkhead. |
26 |
138 |
You released the Bulkhead and can now go[XENO:n ]
outside. |
27 |
148 |
Connect the power plug to get the High-Velocity Lift[XENO:n ]
in Mechonis Field working. |
28 |
138 |
Provide power to the High-Velocity Lift Panel. |
29 |
138 |
Use the High-Velocity Lift Panel to connect[XENO:n ]
the power plug. |
30 |
138 |
The power plug is connected and the[XENO:n ]
High-Velocity Lift is working properly. |
31 |
148 |
To connect the power plug to the High-Velocity Lift,[XENO:n ]
you need to supply power to the High-Velocity Lift[XENO:n ]
Panel. |
32 |
138 |
Use the 1st Power Supply Panel in Power Supply[XENO:n ]
Area 1 to supply power to the lift panel. |
33 |
138 |
Use the 2nd Power Supply Panel in Power[XENO:n ]
Supply Area 2 to supply power to the lift panel. |
34 |
138 |
You can now use the High-Velocity Lift Panel[XENO:n ]
to connect the power plug. |